Origin ARS 5

Read Origin ARS 5 for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Origin ARS 5 for Free Online
Authors: Scottie Futch
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, fairy, elf, sorcerer, game, litRPG, rpg, vrmmorpg
different spell. Most classes simply cannot do that. It’s one-shot,
all or nothing, for them.”
    “I think I understand, but…”
    Mid smiled at him. “When most other classes
create a spell they literally do that. They make a spell. You,
however, generate a flow of mana and elemental energy that can
become literally any related spell you want simply by mastering how
that energy flows.”
    “Wait, I get it…. You’re saying I could start
casting a spell, see that I need to do something else, and shift
the pattern to generate a more relevant attack as long as the
energy flow is similar. But other classes can only cast the spell
they are casting.”
    “Hey, he gets it! Good job. Yes, once a class
other than those related to monks or sorcerers begin to cast a
spell they either finish it or lose the mana they drew up.” She
pointed her staff at him. “You can do a lot of damage to a caster
if you interrupt their casting. The concentrated mana would flow
through their bodies.”
    “That’s why mages stay in the back and don’t
fight upfront! Interrupt their spell-casting and the mana
concentrated to power the spell erupts and damages them!” Scott’s
eyes widened and he grinned like a moron who had finally learned
something cool.
    Sorcery was difficult, but once he mastered a
spell he would be a lot harder to interrupt since the main game
related purpose of his class was to develop the ability to actively
fight in hand-to-hand combat while powering up his spells. It would
also be harder to defend against properly trained monks and
sorcerers, since it was more difficult to determine what sort of
spell he was creating since he did not need to chant.
    “The easiest way to kill a powerful magic
user is to goad them into using a strong spell then interrupt their
concentration. They can resist minor distractions if they are
high-level and well trained, but there are few pure mages capable
of maintaining their focus when they take a boot to the head.”
    “I would wager a guess that they use a lot of
shields and things like that to prevent people from putting their
shoe upside their head?” he asked.
    “Absolutely. Shields, wards, guardian beasts,
mercenaries. Anything to give them the time needed to charge their
mana and blast the landscape.” she said.
    They chatted amiably about the path of
sorcery and other magical paths. Mid played as a great sage, or as
a lore sage in the casual server, so she had great knowledge of the
non-sorcerous path. She liked incantations as a means of playing
around, but she had long since moved to silent casting if she had
to do anything serious. She basically willed her most practiced
spells into being with a thought.
    Scott looked at the mirror then rubbed his
chin. “That’s the name the system chose for my spell?
    Scott’s Unstable Orb of Brilliance

    A lightning spell that is created in the shape of a
sphere. It provides moderate levels of illumination and follows the
    Spell Type: Twilight Sorcery
    Mana Drain: High
    Efficiency: Low
    Mid glanced at the mirror then chuckled.
“Yes, that’s how the system shows things. You can change the name
any time.”
    “I see.” He rubbed his chin. He knew how the
spell was done now. Should he try to create more spells, or
practice the one that he had? “Man, I wish I had more spell
    “You only use those for your most commonly
used spells anyway. You can cast any spell that you can remember
step-by-step, you just won’t have any assistance in its creation.
In that regard it is similar to the casual server. Call out the
spell name while focusing on the pattern. The system takes care of
most of the necessary work.”
    Scott liked the sound of that, though he
would still practice and train his spells without the assistance so
that he would master their usage on the fly. During an actual fight
it would be useful. He had to be certain that he was right in

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