share, as a result of several lifetimes together.
You have a natural affinity and might even look alike. Even if you are from different backgrounds and look very different, there will be a clear similarity in your expressions, smiles, ways of speaking, levels of intelligence and discernment i.e. how you show up in the world, almost as if you’re both from the same, mysterious planet.
You seem to have been brought together by coincidences, hunches or, even, Divine intervention. Your meeting seems fated and inevitable and the universe seems to have endlessly conspired to bring you together.
You may, each, have a feeling that you would do almost anything to see the other person happy, even if it meant losing them to someone else
When you argue, you always know that you have both grown and evolved as a result
You are best friends and the most passionate lovers all rolled into one
You know that you could easily spend the rest of your lives loving each other
Whatever temptations, threats and doubts might come your way, even through disagreements and fall-outs, the strength of your eternal connection lets you both know that, in the end, when all is said and done, there is simply no one else you could possibly belong with.
When you’re with them, it’s like coming home
As Ben progressed through the list, Geraldine began to stare wistfully into the distance, occasionally sighing, sniffing, inhaling deeply, exhaling meaningfully and nodding knowingly. When he finished reading the list, however, Ben was completely baffled.
“Okay, I actually think I only understood about three of those points. Can you explain the rest to me please?” Geraldine wondered for a second whether he might be making fun of her, but they were always making fun of each other so there was no point getting all huffy about it now. She’d bravely come this far, and this was not the time to start being coy. “I mean why would you want there to be barriers to you being together, exactly?”
“It’s not that I want them, Ben; that’s just how it is with twin flames sometimes...” she said, tailing off slightly, and seriously beginning to regret the whole, humiliating episode.
Ben prided himself on being patient and respectful in these situations. It was always important to try to honour the client's world-view, however quirky it might seem. And besides, there was still lots there to work with! “Okay” He said slowly. “You’re going to have to explain to me what this twin-flames thing is.”
Geraldine sighed; this was not going to be easy. “Right, okay, well the idea is that, okay, I believe that, okay, well, some people might say that.... well okay-I-read-somewhere-that...”
Ben nodded patiently and tried to follow what she was saying. Geraldine took a deep breath and jumped. “Okay... at the very beginning of our coming into being as individual consciousnesses, when we first began our incarnations as separate souls rather than just being a part of this single blob of creative consciousness and possibility - God-Consciousness, if you like." Ben didn't like. It was all too intangible and weird. Geraldine continued heroically. "..each one of us was also split, further, into two halves, so that we could grow more, learn more...about love and life and longing and...about ourselves and each other I suppose....or... whatever...ugh.” This was truly tiring. This was definitely a mistake. Ben was just too much of a pragmatist for all this. How could she possibly expect him to get a handle on something so...nebulous? What had she been thinking?!!
“O...kay,” Ben was absolutely serious as he continued to listen. “That’s a very beautiful story.” Geraldine clenched momentarily, slightly irritated by his interpretation of the entire twin flames paradigm as a ‘story’, but encouraged slightly by the fact that he at least seemed to be almost taking her seriously