Operation Minotaur (Monstrous Matchmaker Book 5)

Read Operation Minotaur (Monstrous Matchmaker Book 5) for Free Online

Book: Read Operation Minotaur (Monstrous Matchmaker Book 5) for Free Online
Authors: Kelly Apple
little ones have
learned to get over their fear.” A slight smile creased his wide mouth for a
moment before it fell.
    Ari echoed his smile. The young wolf pups were adorable.
Rough and tumble, they were as likely to gnaw on your fingers as curl up in
your lap for a nap.
    “You could move here.” At Akakios’s sharp look, Ari
rested her chin on his arm and smiled. “Liam and I don’t mind. Max is already
making plans to expand the grounds, make them more supe friendly.”
    With his girlfriend in the area, the big dragon had been
visiting more often and had decided to sink some of his immense wealth into
making their home safe for those without a human form. It hadn’t surprised Ari
to see the changes. Max had been the one to push through the original building
plans and he’d added to and refined them since then.
    The house might be hers and her mate’s, but the land
they lived on was for all of them.
    Akakios shook his head. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
    The sound of derision Ari made echoed in the huge
kitchen. “Please. We want you here. If you’re not comfortable in the house, you
can use the cave. You’ll have to share with Max when he’s here, but it’s
doable, big guy. Totally doable.”
    As the minotaur considered it, Ari went up on her
tiptoes and brushed a kiss against his cheek.
    Then she went in for the kill.
    “Plus, I might have someone I think you’ll like.”
    It was almost funny how a monster as big as a minotaur
could freeze so completely.

Chapter Two
    “Are you sure this is a wise move, Arabella?”
    Wise move? Pfft. Of course it was. Akakios was lonely.
They had room. She had a motherfucking dating agency.
    This was the wisest move in the history of wise moves.
    She would have told Liam that if his big, muscled body
hadn’t distracted her. Instead she watched him walk around their massive bed,
his ass flexing with every step.
    Holy wow, she was one lucky nymph.
    Her Guardian was a beautiful, beautiful specimen of
manliness. Long, thick cock. Muscles on top of muscles. Enough tentacles to
keep a girl satisfied.
    Bouncing onto the bed, Ari flung off her clothes as
quickly as she could manage. Liam hadn’t given any indication he was looking
for some lovin’, but when the two of them were in close proximity to a bed,
there was an inevitable pattern they followed.
    Sex. Followed by more sex.
    The type of sex that left Ari weak kneed and blissfully
happy. The type that made her incredibly pleased she could take everything her
green love could give her.
    “Hey, sexy,” she purred.
    Liam raised an eyebrow, his slilthern becoming
more active as he surveyed her wanton sprawl across the bed. “If you think you
can distract me from discussing your latest plan with your delectable body, you
are correct, mate. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t plan on revisiting this
idea you have regarding Akakios.”
    God, she loved the way he talked. He’d been so formal
when they first began dating. The more time they spent together, the more
relaxed his speech patterns had become.
    Still, his rough, deep voice made her hot. Wicked hot.
Cream her panties and gush like a geyser hot.
    Not that she was wearing panties.
    But if she was, they’d be drenched.
    “You are aroused, mate.” Liam planted a knee on the bed
and loomed over her. “Perhaps I can help you with that.”
    Wriggling, Ari let her knees fall apart so he could see
every wet inch of her. Liam’s impressive cock lengthened and thickened at her
movement. His slilthern pumped the impressive rod of flesh in a way that
made her salivate.
    God, she wanted to put her hands on him. Or her mouth.
Or just shove him onto his back and cram his thick man-meat into her depths.
    She’d ride him so hard and fast they’d come in no time.
They could always go slow for the second round. Fast for the third. Have a
mutual round of oral for the fourth.
    One of his more adventurous slilthern coiled
around her knee, holding her open for him. Ari bit

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