Once Upon a Pet Show (A Redpoint One Romance)
building, her
protest completely ignored.
    First the problem with the enclosure. Then the
bad news at the meeting. Now this?
    Definitely not her day.


    DAMIEN FLEXED HIS shoulders as he settled back into his
favorite swiveling chair on the raised maintenance platform. Too
many heavy lifts and working himself into small spaces the previous
day. He could see why Rachel did so well in plumbing with her
smaller body size.
    Lord, he wanted her back at her
    Especially when he was put back on plumbing
duty for the day. Watching over two departments instead of one. He
would be lucky just to keep up with the emergencies, much less
perform the standard maintenance life-support required.
    "Hear that, Station? We need more help,"
Damien whispered before he took another sip from his rapidly
emptying coffee cup.
    "Remember to keep your eyes open for any
section closing off," Arthur was saying to the crew assembled.
"Allegra nearly had one of her crew trapped last night."
    Not good news to start the day off with. What
was the crazy station doing?
    "Any answers on why it's happening?" Vasiliy
asked from the wall next to the break room door.
    All the attention went to Zane, who stood
quietly at one side of the raised platform while Arthur gave out
the morning assignments. He stepped forward, his face and body
stiff. "If you are asking if I have discovered an answer to the
station problems in the first day since my arrival, I'm sorry to
report I have not."
    "Any clues at all?" Simon Mang asked. A man
who had good reason to ask, considering he oversaw the hazardous
materials systems and transport. Not stuff anyone wanted a system
glitch to expose them to dangerous substances.
    "No, I'm afraid not. Yesterday I noticed a bad
odor go through this room. I understand this is a relatively recent
phenomena?" Zane asked. Everyone in the room nodded or murmured an
affirmative. "To help us pin this problem down, I ask that you
report the moment you encounter the odor. I want to see if there is
any pattern to the issue."
    "In addition to that request, report anything
unusual," Arthur said. "Director Stemski is giving us the services
of one of the administrative pool to help us keep records. Ami Cox,
where are you?"
    A tall lanky woman wearing computer glasses
stepped away from a wall and waved her hand in the air. "I'll
monitor the maintenance frequencies and recording incidents. Just
let me know where and when they happen."
    "Report them the moment they happen," Zane
repeated. "I want to visit the locations as an incident is
occurring, if possible."
    Damien couldn't help shaking his head at Ami's
attire. Computer glasses for interfacing with a computer. Hair tied
back and streaked with multiple colors. Fitted pants and loose
shirt. The typical appearance of a tech-head.
    Still, if they wanted someone to log in
information and look for patterns, that would be the kind of person
they would want. Still, not necessarily the best appearance for a
woman. It hid her real shape, and did her no favors.
    And yet, Vallory Schist hadn't dressed to her
best advantage, either. Not even close, but Damien had certainly
noticed her in their short encounter the day before. A long skirt,
an oversized mid-sleeved shirt. The purples and blues hadn't really
matched, either. Big clunky jewelry that overwhelmed her delicate
    "Also, a reminder. Today the Redpoint One
Exotic Pet Show opens to the public," Arthur said, bringing up a
subject far too close to Damien's thoughts. "If you are called to
repair a system related to the show, I ask that you do it quickly.
The show has high priority, an order direct from Director Stemski.
Any questions?"
    Damien polished off the last of the coffee
while the morning briefing wound down. With the few lingering
questions dealt with, the crews started heading out of the platform
for their morning repairs. Arthur, Tish, and Zane moved to the side
with Ami to talk in a small huddle surrounded by

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