Oh Stupid Heart
already be a step ahead,
having met the customers face-to-face.”
    “That will work,”
Carrie stated, shocked Trent had thought of this all by himself. “Did Coco
suggest hiring Jenny?” The she-devil might have her own big picture in play.
    “Are you kidding? Jenny’s
way too pretty. Coco will hate her on sight. If she has her way, she’ll be the
only woman on my staff.”
    Carrie growled. “And
why do you sound so happy?”
    “I’m amused, not
happy. She thinks I can’t see what she’s up to? God, give me some credit.
Remember the Angel girl we met outside of Penn station?”
    “An-ge- La .
Grant’s girlfriend?”
    “Coco didn’t like her
at all. When I overrode her objections and insisted she be hired, Coco almost
    Carrie’s blood boiled
even as she fought to keep her voice calm. “Excuse me, didn’t you promote me to
change specialist because you didn’t want to rock the boat with Coco? How is it
you can’t stand up to the bitch for me, but you can for an angel you don’t even
    “Sorry, the next
candidate has arrived. We’ll talk about this later.”
    The line went dead.
    Carrie was tempted to
hunt down Sam and force him to drive her to Trent’s new offices so she could
continue the discussion.
    How low did she fall
in his priorities?
    Trent made her the
change specialist so he wouldn’t offend Coco and lose the fabulous people she
brought in. Yet, he had no qualms risking all those great hires for beautiful
Angela and Jenny.
    She covered her face.
Damn it, she hated being on the opposite side of Jenny. The girl had lost her
job getting Carrie a discount. She was glad Trent hired her. She simply
resented him for his double standard.
    And what was a change
specialist anyway?
    She googled the term
and learned a change specialist helped people re-energize, re-engage, and
transform their workplace and lives. She couldn’t think of anything this
company needed more.
    Coco may have meant
for her new position to be a dead-end job, but Trent hadn’t. To him, it was the
most important goal the company had. She smiled, no longer angry at him, and
happy for Jenny.
    A woman’s yelp drew
Carrie’s attention to the outer office. Grant mauled an all too familiar tall
blonde in an obscenely short skirt. Angela—no doubt shared the great news she
got the job. Odd, his expression held no hint of happiness for his girlfriend,
despite him taking advantage of their embrace to fondle her ass.
    He probably hoped to
play the field at work. Carrie chuckled. If Coco had her way, he’d need to
become bi-sexual to achieve his goal since she didn’t intend to hire any
    Carrie pressed down
the intercom and sweetly reminded them, “This is a workplace.”
    They both turned to
her, Grant glaring, and Angela smiling. A moment later, the beautiful woman
knocked on the door and entered, closing it behind her. “You’re the girl who
was with Mr. Lancaster this morning.”
    Carrie nodded, not
trusting her. If she dated Grant, her mental health lay in doubt.
    “Do you two live in
the same town?”
    “No. Trent has an
estate in Long Island and a penthouse two blocks from here. I have a house in
    “Then why was he on
the Morris line?”
    My God, she’s nosy! It was none of her damn business. “You’ll have to ask Trent, or better yet,
don’t. He might regret hiring you.”
    “You sound rather
like an undercover writer for one of the trash magazines like Gossep .”
    “They aren’t trash.
They’re legitimate magazines purchased and read by millions of people.”
    Carrie had only been
dodging the truth, but the woman’s response made her wonder if Angela wasn’t an
undercover gossip columnist for the magazine. Given their unfortunate news
coverage during the last week, a publisher might want to know more about Trent
Lancaster. Thank God she headed to San Francisco for two weeks. She didn’t want
her personal life plastered on the newsstand.
    Angela cleared

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