to think that I had something against her. I wanted so badly
for us to be fast friends, so I would have to put my best foot forward.
Bailey,” I said as I sat down.
bell rang. The phrase saved by the bell rang in my head.
Mrs. Mosebee was busy assigning an essay that would be due
in two weeks. The topic was about the career of your choice, and I wasn't
looking forward to writing it. Writing took a lot of time, thought, and
organization, all of which wasn't my idea of fun. She left borrowed career
books from the counseling office at the front of the room so that we had
something to reference. I picked the law book and started writing down
some crucial facts—the amount of time in school it took to get your degree,
information about the bar exams, and the different types of specialties that
could be chosen.
I thought I had what I would need for my essay, I pulled a new sheet of paper
to write Eli.
I know that you are mad at me. I really would like to
explain. Whether you agree or not I feel that I owe you that much, but you have
to let me. Will you come over after school today so we can talk? If you don't
want to come over, then at least call me 555-9236. I will be walking home today
so I might be a little late.
got up to bring the law book back to the front of the room, and on the way back
to my seat I slipped the note onto Eli's desk. It was pretty coy, especially
for me. I saw him read the note and slip it into his pocket. Better than
throwing it in the trash , I thought. Progress, one baby step at a time.
wondered what he would decide to do, but I hoped he would come over. It was
something I knew would take up my thoughts for the better part of the day.
finished working on the outline for my lawyer essay just as the bell rang.
Gathering up my things, I quickly shoved them into my backpack and headed out
of class. I had hoped Eli was waiting for me outside the room, but he wasn't. I
tried not to let my disappointment get to me, but it didn’t seem like a good
sign. Bailey, on the other hand, was waiting for me as expected. My mind had
been so preoccupied that I forgot to ask her if she minded that Pete was going
to join us for lunch.
Bailey, you don't mind that I invited Pete Denali to have lunch with us, do
you? I figured it would be nice to have a group to eat with.” We began walking
to our third hour.
don't mind, the more the merrier as far as I am concerned, and it doesn’t hurt
that he's cute!” She giggled, and I couldn’t disagree with her.
didn't move away from me in science, but he refused to even look in my
direction. I hated seeing how angry he was, knowing it was entirely my fault. I
felt terrible.
science, we met Pete near the cafeteria where he and I had met the day before.
He was smiling his bright beautiful smile. It was enough to make you go weak at
the knees.
my,” Bailey whispered in my ear.
giggled. It was nice to see that I wasn’t the only one he had that effect on.
three of us walked into the cafeteria together and bought our lunch one right
after the other. Today they were serving burgers with fries, which was fine by
me. I filled my bun with ketchup, mustard, pickles and tomato before sitting
down with the others.
didn't see Eli anywhere, but I had guessed he wouldn’t want to see me eating
lunch with Pete. I would have happily included him if he had been willing, but
that was going to take some convincing.
went quickly with Pete sitting by my side. A few of Pete’s friends joined us
that I hadn’t met before, and before I knew it I was seated within a large
group. There were three boys and two girls: Austen, Zach, Mason, Breanne and
Alexis. They all seemed really nice as far as I could tell.
were a few different conversations going on at our table. I
Flowers for Miss Pengelly