No Plans for Love

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Book: Read No Plans for Love for Free Online
Authors: Ruth Ann Hixson
into the green eyes of Elena Bayshore, who leaned over her.
    "You didn't heed my warning. You didn't listen to the hiss. Maybe you will pay attention to the scratch." She brought her left hand forward like a claw, those long beautifully manicured nails coming closer to Sherry's face.
    Sherry delivered a karate chop to her arm with enough force to cause Elena to take a step back. With her hands grasping the sides of the chair seat to brace herself, Sherry drew her knees up to her chest, and with all the strength she could muster, drove her feet against Elena's stomach, knocking Elena back against the washer and upsetting the chair.
     Sherry rolled away and came to her feet. She needed room to move so she backed up to the space between the bank of washers and the dryers and set herself for Elena's next move.
    "You little bastard," Elena snarled. She came for Sherry with both hands up, her fingers curved like claws.
    Sherry got set to defend herself. Elena's stomach was probably the most vulnerable but Sherry would have to jump to kick her there. She side stepped to set her feet for such a kick and stepped on her book. The book slid away causing Sherry to lose her balance.
    Elena took advantage of Sherry's misstep and moved in to grab a handful of Sherry's long brown hair with her right hand. That steadied Sherry's attempt to right herself. Elena pulled up moving her clawed left hand toward Sherry's face.
    Sherry allowed Elena to draw her closer as she clenched her fist. She intended to take advantage of Elena's height to drive her fist to the point of Elena's chin. She put all her strength and weight in that punch.
    She felt Elena's nails dig into her right cheek as she began her swing. Elena looked down at her, and instead of hitting her chin, Sherry drove her fist to Elena's nose. Blood spurted, coating Sherry's fist and spattering her face and shirt.
    Elena let out a wail that was part pain, part rage. When Sherry backed away she found herself against a sink in the corner. A stack of paper towels lay on the counter. She picked up a few and stepped cautiously forward with her hand outstretched holding the towels. She made sure she stayed out of Elena's reach. Elena took the towels and pressed them to her nose, babbling something. All Sherry could understand was "...Call the police."
    "I don't care if she does call the cops," Sherry muttered. She could see Elena outside with her cell phone to her ear.
    She went to the sink and washed the blood from her face and hands and tried to wash the blood spatters from her green tee shirt. She would have to soak it when she got home and hope the stains hadn't set by then. She picked up her book and stuffed it into her purse which she set on the chair after she righted it.
    The washer stopped spinning, so she began yanking out her clothes and dropping them into the basket. From the corner of her eye she saw the flashing lights of the police cruiser as it pulled in the parking lot.
    She turned around to watch as the officer parked his car next to Elena's silver Lexus and got out. Of average height and a little overweight with a gray fringe of hair around his bald pate, he stood beneath the light standard and wrote down what Elena told him.
    Sherry could hear Elena's loud accusations, but could not discern her words. She turned back to finish taking her clothes from the washer. She had just set the full basket beside the chair and added the plastic bag with her detergent and fabric softener when the officer came in the door.
    He reached behind him and brought out his handcuffs. "Sherry Winnette, you are under arrest for assaulting Elena Bayshore. You have the right to remain silent..."
    "It was self defense!" Sherry protested. "She attacked me!"
    "You are telling me that the daughter of two prominent lawyers, the wealthiest woman around, came in here and attacked you? That's hard to believe."
    "That is exactly what happened. She's been harassing me because she has it wedged crosswise in her

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