“In Scotland,” Guy said, his gaze once more returning to her face. “If he wanted, he could press charges for trespassing. For the moment he’s no’, but doona give him a reason to.”
She put her hand to her forehead and looked at the ceiling. “This is a nightmare.”
“Just continue to tell him the truth,” Guy urged.
Elena lowered her hand and licked her lips. “How long will he keep me here?”
“I doona know.”
“What are you hiding in this place?” she whispered. “What are you so afraid of everyone discovering?”
Guy released a long breath and raked a hand through his hair. “We didna become a powerful company for nothing.”
“This is more than just the company.” It was a guess, but when a flash of intensity filled his eyes, she knew she’d hit the nail on the head.
“Be careful what you say, Elena.”
“Why? Will they hurt me?” When Guy looked away, unease snaked down her spine. “Why didn’t you just leave me in the mountain, then?”
His brown eyes, ringed in onyx, swung to her as he rested a hand on the bed and leaned toward her. “You think we’re capable of leaving a person to die in the mountain?”
“I don’t know you,” she whispered, hating how her body craved the hard muscular length of him against her when she was fighting so hard to steel herself from him.
“You trusted me to get you down the cliff. You trusted me to get you out of the cave.”
“I had no choice.”
One side of his lip lifted in a smile. “Liar.”
“I’m not a threat to you.”
“Oh, but you are.” His words, barely whispered, sent her heart beating double time when his gaze lowered to her lips. “You’re definitely a threat, Elena Griffin.”
He gently ran the pads of his fingers along her injured ankle sending chills racing along her skin. With barely a touch, he had her tied in knots. Imagine what it would be like if they kissed, really kissed, not just a brief meeting of the lips.
Guy rose and walked to the door, saying, “I’ll have food sent up. You slept through the night, so I’m sure you’re famished.”
Elena didn’t get a chance to respond as he was quickly out the door. She looked around her prison. At least it was cozy and warm.
And her visitor handsome, strong, and so very tempting.
Still the thought of being kept against her will left her feeling sick. If-no, when !—she left Dreagan, she knew in her soul she’d never see him again.
And she wasn’t quite ready to let Guy disappear, not when she yearned for another kiss.
Chapter Six
Guy walked away from Elena, each step like a punch in his gut. He’d wanted to take her in his arms and tell the others to bugger off as they fired their questions at her. He’d wanted to cover her body with his, to feel her softness and her heat.
But more than that, he wanted to taste her lips again.
She’d been afraid, but she had stood her ground. Yet when her eyes had touched his, he knew she sought someone to be on her side.
Guy did believe her, but like the others, he knew there was something more going on with her and Sloan’s appearance on Dreagan land. He prayed it didn’t involve Elena. He liked her around the house, knowing she was close by if he wanted to see her.
No one needed to know that he stayed in her room as she’d slept through the night. It had taken everything he had not to climb in bed with her and pull her into his arms for another kiss.
When she’d opened her eyes and looked at him with such passion, with such need, all the blood had rushed to his cock. How he’d stayed in his chair, he didn’t know.
He could’ve kissed her then. He could have taken her in his arms and pulled her soft body against his, and she wouldn’t have refused him. He’d seen it in her beautiful sage green eyes.
Her long, wavy dark blond hair had been mussed from sleep, her eyes drowsy, and her lips slightly parted. She had looked as if she’d just been thoroughly loved.
Guy fisted his hands
Anne Machung Arlie Hochschild