New Sensation

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Book: Read New Sensation for Free Online
Authors: Clare Cole
how to live my life, anyway? "I'm just pleased to be compared to Christina Hendricks for the second time in a few days. Maybe you should be treating your 'busty bombshell' reporter with a bit more respect."
    I stood defiantly as Jim rose from his seat. "Oh, really? Well you'll be thrilled to know that your little boyfriend is going to be all over our sister paper in a day's time. It seems there 's an important part of his life that he didn't see fit to tell you about while you were rolling around in the sack."
    "Firstly, my sex life is none of your fucking business," I spat. "And secondly, I don't care what is written about me."
    He burst out laughing. "You think the next story is about you? Well, my potty-mouthed Veronica Guerin, I'm sorry to burst your bubble. Rick Borrell is about to be splashed all over the news for being a shitbag father."
    My eyes narrowed. "What the hell are you talking about?"
    "He has a five-year-old son, sweetheart. Did he forget to mention it when his cock was inside you?"
    I picked up a mug of coffee from his desk and threw it over him. "Before you even think about firing me, save your breath. I quit!"
    "Get your overrated ass out of here!" he sputtered.
    I spun around and gave him the finger with both hands. "These yours?"
    I tried to resist breaking out in the biggest smile I had ever had as the sparks flew from my heels as I stormed out. The entire office applauded me. If I was going to be on the front page of newspapers as some fiery redhead, then I may as well live up to the image. One thing was for certain – my life was never going to be the same again. I didn't think for one second about the revelation that Rick had a son – all I wanted to do was warn him.
    "I did it," I said as Rick's face appeared on the laptop in front of me. "I quit."
    "That's fantastic," he smiled, sipping at a cup of coffee.
    "Not quite. Rick, there's about to be a shitstorm about you in the press. Why didn't you tell me you had a son?"
    Suddenly, Rick's face dropped. "Oh."
    "Exactly. Don't worry, I wanted nothing to do with the story. But it's going to run tomorrow."
    Rick sighed. "I was going to tell you, I just hadn't got around to it. Like I mentioned the other night, there's a lot I've done in my life in a short period of time – not all of it good. But my little boy isn't one of those things. He's wonderful."
    "So why keep him a secret?"
    "Because I was young and stupid and his mother is a good person who has a life of her own now. She 's married and has another kid with her husband. I try to see Luke when I can, but…"
    I smiled. "Is that his name? Luke?"
    "Yes," Rick nodded warmly. "You know, you only truly appreciate privacy when you haven't had any. My life is played out in public without my consent, so I do what I can to protect him. The world didn't need to know he's my son. I know, he knows and his mother and stepfather know. That's all that matters. I do what I can, but my life is crazy and theirs is perfect. Sometimes you have to sacrifice what you love to do the right thing."
    "Well, the world is going to know either way in the next 24 hours. There's nothing we can do to stop that. But I have an idea… Now is our chance to put me to the test. You'll have to trust me."
    "You're so sexy when you're feisty. What are you planning?"
    "I need your Twitter and Facebook details. Can you email them over?"
    Rick started tapping at the keyboard in front of him. "Sending them now."
    "Great. You get in touch with Luke's mother and let her know what's happening. Let's beat these bastards to the punch."

Chapter Seven
    To my fans...papers will reveal I have a son tomorrow. Please respect his privacy unlike the media. I’m the proudest dad on Earth!
    Rick’s Twitter account went ballistic the next day with outpourings of support. I had timed his tweets and Facebook updates to hit the night before the newspaper story and to render the headline petty and offensive. They hadn’t pulled any

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