New Markets - 02

Read New Markets - 02 for Free Online Page B

Book: Read New Markets - 02 for Free Online
Authors: Kevin Rau
Tags: Science-Fiction
backward.  I screamed, and then passed out.

    Chapter 3 – It Comes as a Shock
    Stephanie’s Viewpoint
    I awoke to a splitting headache.  Something constantly zapped my forehead, causing me a lot of pain, and made clear thought difficult.  I attempted to move my hands to my head, but they were strapped down.  I thrashed in place for a minute in an attempt to stop the pain, but it didn't stop.
    I saw through two mindviews, even with my eyes closed.  One obviously stood in a hospital corridor.  He simply stood there.  The other sat in the room with me and watched me thrash on the bed.  I wore a hospital gown, my hands were shackled with heavy bands to a metal bed frame, and there was a band around my head.  It had wires attached to it.
    He stood up and walked over to me, looking down at me.  From his mindview I pulled his name, it was Agent Harrison Dimmer from the F.B.I.  He enjoyed watching me squirm and twist in pain.  The shocking pain grew for a moment, and then receded to the previous irritating and painful level.
    I gasped a few times from the increased pain, then opened my eyes and looked at him.  "Uh, why am I here, and locked up?"
    He replied, "You attacked a group of police officers and F.B.I. Agents.  Obviously you're a rogue super."
    "What?  The last thing that occurred was me interrogating the kidnapper, and then something happened."
    "Yes, that's when you attacked everyone.  You did some kind of telepathic scream attack that gave everyone in the area a headache, and gave a bunch of us bloody noses.  Officers were fleeing the area to get away from you."
    I was about to say I didn't do that, but he was there, and his memory showed it to be true.  Then he replayed the part he hadn't mentioned, Agent Dimmer had yanked me off the kidnapper while I was in his mind.  The kidnapper had been screaming in terror while my eyes had this backlit golden glow as I leaned over him.  My mental scream occurred when he pulled me out of mindview range.
    "Ow.  Why is this thing shocking me?"  My face contorted from the pain.
    "It will only activate when you are using your telepathy.  What are you attempting to do to me now?"
    "I'm not doing anything to you.  I'm not even using my telepathy."
    His voice rose with his anger.  "Well, lady, that's a lie or you wouldn't be getting shocked."  He stabbed his finger in the air at me as he spoke.
    "I'm telling you, I'm not using my telepathy."
    "I don't believe you.  You supers think you're so special.  You think you can break laws, torture people, and turn on legitimate members of law enforcement.  I don't think so.  We've got you on a rap now for attacking a good number of law enforcement.  It should be enough to bring you down.  Well, you've delayed our case enough, and put lives in danger.  I'm needed back on the kidnapping case.  I'm sure I'll see you again soon for the official arrest.  Enjoy your headache, bitch."
    He left the room, and the pain diminished.  I looked, and it appeared that there were a series of wires running up above my head to a machine.  The pain was tolerable at this level, though annoying.  It felt much like a headache that wouldn't go away.  I didn't understand why the machine would be shocking me if it were only supposed to while I used my telepathy.
    A nurse came in after an hour or so.  Her mindview showed that she was there to check on all the welt wounds from the bullets.  The shocking pain increased back to the levels of when Agent Dimmer was in the room.  It was rather embarrassing, having her pull the hospital gown down, then up to examine me.  Her mindview showed no wounds left on my body, the skin was smooth and unbroken everywhere.
    She watched the display on the shock machine for a few seconds and said, "The F.B.I. said that you will only get shocked when you attempt to use your powers on someone.  What are you trying to do?"
    In between grimacing and twisting on the bed I replied, "I'm

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