New Alpha-New Rules

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Book: Read New Alpha-New Rules for Free Online
Authors: By K. S. Martin
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Romantic
the front door was closed as he came down the last steps. He could see people
outside in the yard through the small window at the top of the door. Ryder
watched for a moment peering easily out the small window. He recognized some of
them from last night.
    He turned and went
down the hall into the first bedroom where two of his wolves were in various
stages of waking. “On your feet, we may have a situation out front.” They
sprang into action at once. Spotting a pile of folded tee shirts on the dresser
just inside the door he grabbed one and dragged it on. He saw that Lee and Jack
were missing. He was proud that they took ‘first thing’ seriously. Ryder
smirked and went to the second door and repeated the process then headed for
the front. He pulled the door open wide and stepped out onto the porch.
    “Help you?” Ryder
growled low staying on the top step of the porch. It was chilly outside and his
toes curled under for a moment.
    “Max Sommers.” The
older Alpha nodded introducing himself. He was shorter and older than himself
but Ryder took nothing for granted. You didn’t become and stay Alpha for no
good reason. This was a tough and formidable wolf. He had to be because he was
the Alpha of the largest pack in the area. “You have a she-wolf that belongs to
me. You said that she would be returned before breakfast.”
    “If she chooses to
return to you, I am happy to deliver her. She’s just getting dressed.” The one
named Jake growled loudly but stopped when Max gave him a look. “She would’ve
been home last night if that one hadn’t tried to bully her. I don’t know what
is okay and what is not okay in your pack. But, yanking a female around in
public is not okay where I come from. He’s not her mate and I won’t stand by
and watch a display of disrespect like that.” Max nodded.
    “He’s here to
apologize to Harper. It’s not okay with me either.” He gave Jake a look of
disdain. “Are these all of the wolves from the bar that were involved last
night?” Ryder looked them over and nodded. “Fine.” Harper stepped out onto the
porch, stepped around Ryder, and went down the steps to her Alpha. Max wrapped
an arm around her and turned away from Ryder. They took a few steps away from
everyone. She nodded while he spoke and Ryder watched. His wolves fanned out
across the porch behind him in various stages of undress. “Jake.” Max snapped.
    “Harper I
apologize for my actions last night. It won’t happen again.” He said
mechanically. Insincerity rang in Ryder’s ears and a low growl rumbled through
his gut. Jake glanced at him sideways then went on. “Really Harper, I’m sorry.
I acted like an ass.” That was sincere, Ryder decided. She nodded. Max took
Harper farther away from the porch but Ryder could still hear most of what he
was saying.
    “You know the
rules Harper. You mourn for one year. You are not allowed courtship for one
year either. Now, I know that is a fine looking wolf over there but keep in
mind that he isn’t pack. You should stay in your own pack. We have plenty of
fine males that will be willing to take you at the end of the year.” Harper
stiffened and Ryder’s wolf grew restless wanting to go to her. “We’re going
home now and Ellis has assured me that he will let you stay in your house for
the year of mourning. No one will hold last night against you. I realize that
you hadn’t had a good time in a long while so I’m willing to over look last
    “Max can I speak
freely?” He nodded when she asked.
    “Of course.” Max
    “My mate was not
my mate. He may have lived in my house but we hadn’t…for at least three years.
He hadn’t worked because he was lazy, on drugs and screwing a bitch in town.
His time was spent on the porn sites on the internet and with her while I
worked. As far as I am concerned, I’ve been mourning him for the past three
years and I won’t do it a moment longer. I don’t know if you were aware of what

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