where she f ailed.
In two days she would be on the quaint island of Martha’s
Vineyard for her best friend’s wedding, scheduled to take place in two weeks. A
smile settled on Lily’s lips, the gang was going to reunite once again. To
think only a year ago she had been i ntroduced to
Claire, Forrest, Jason, and Adam. She made a mental note to call Minka or the
very least send her a text.
She still had the dreaded stick to deal with at the moment.
Make that ten dreaded sticks.
She glanced at the stick. A blank window stared back at her. Lily did a quick time check. Not even
a minute had passed. Time had a funny way of slowing down and moving at its own
pace during urgency. Becoming more anxious with each passing second and in
desperate need of a diversion, Lily picked up her
phone and sent her friend a text in an effort to distract herself.
How excited are you about marrying that
sexy fiancé of yours?
As she typed the words, Lily realized her hands were
trembling and wrapped them around her sunken stomach. Minka was quick to respond.
in heaven. I am so in love.
and Jason are good together.
are you and Adam.
Minka the hopeful romantic. To think a year ago her friend thought
she was in love with her twin sister’s fiancé, now husband. Life was filled
with wonderful surprises, well, at least surprises. The possibility of being
pregnant with Adam’s baby was not something she could categoriz e as one of those wonderful surprises, more like a
complete, earth-shattering shock.
The decision to have a child, even when consensual, was
momentous. To find yourself in the situation totally unexpected, your heart
ripped open to unconditional love, the responsibility
of a life in your hands, now that was a cruel joke.
She texted back.
just sex Minka. Purely physical .
Once again, she was reminded her relationship with Adam was
nothing but sex. And the possibility of creating a life under such re ckless abandonment made her throat tightened.
both are so stubborn. Anyway, I can’t wait to see you.
Same here. Give Jason my love. Talk later.
Her phone vibrated again. This time it was from her brother
sis, where have you been the last two days? Call me.
She ignored her brother’s text. The last forty-eight hours,
each one of them had called and texted. Each message had gone unanswered. They
were a guarded bunch and would come knocking soon, but right now she needed to
shut the worl d out until she could wake up from this
Two days ago she woke up nauseous and headed straight to
the bathroom. Initially she self-diagnosed a stomach bug and even mentioned it
to Adam that night as they spoke. Only it didn’t seem to want to go a way. It wasn’t until one of her colleagues casually
mentioned that she might be pregnant did the possibility enter her mind. After
work that day she went straight to the local supermarket and picked u p a variety of pregnancy tests— ePT, First Response, and any other brand on display.
She glanced back to the thin plastic stick and realized
while the instruction said to wait a certain amount of minutes, it had changed
before time.
The word greeted her in bold for the first time.
Blood rushed in her ears and her
pulse skyrocketed. Panic and reality bubbled in her stomach, making her dizzy.
This time there was no denial; not a positive sign but the actual word
confirming what the other previous tests had tried to tell her. Her eyes slowly
slid away fro m the evidence before her. There was no
denying her reality any longer.
She’d created a baby with Adam.
The question she had been asking over and over shuffled in
her brain. She was on the pill; that was as baby-proof as one could get. Yes,
there was that one- to two-percent chance but Lily
alwa ys
saw that disclaimer as a CYA— Cover Your Ass type of thing, a just— in-case legal move to avoid
Flowers for Miss Pengelly