
Read Nano for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Nano for Free Online
Authors: Sam Fisher
Tags: Fiction, General, Action & Adventure
gesticulate, waving the hand Jessica had been manicuring in front of the young American’s face. The finger in question was clearly undamaged.
    ‘This is most regrettable,’ Aneesa said.
    ‘But I didn’t –’
    ‘Stop saying you didn’t do anything, you wretched –’ the customer hissed as she lifted her bulk from her chair and leaned in towards Jessica, her hand raised ready to slap her.
    ‘Hey! You stop that, right now,’ Carmen interjected and she put her own hand out to block the woman, exclaiming loudly as their fingers collided in mid-air.
    At that moment, Frank appeared at his wife’s side. ‘What the devil’s happenin’, Carmen, love?’ he said, his face filled with concern. He turned from his wife to the Arab woman to Aneesa and then finally to Jessica, who was now on the verge of tears.
    Carmen stood up and strode around to the next counter to stop a few inches from Aneesa’s face. ‘This kid did nothing wrong,’ she said, hands on hips. ‘I don’t know what game she’s playing.’ She flicked an angry glance at Jessica’s customer. ‘But she’s making a bloody great fuss about nothin’.’
    ‘I beg your pardon?’ the Arab woman protested.
    ‘Please,’ Aneesa interrupted placing a gentle hand on the customer’s shoulder. ‘This lady is one of my regulars. She wouldn’t lie.’
    ‘But I didn’t,’ Jessica said unwisely.
    Aneesa whirled on her. ‘Yes, you did! You must have done something. You’re fired. Get out!’
    Jessica burst into tears.
    ‘Oh there, dear,’ Carmen exclaimed and came around the counter. The Australian woman glared at the other two. ‘Was that really necessary?’ she said looking straight into Aneesa’s eyes.
    ‘Madam, this girl –’
    ‘I have a name,’ Jessica suddenly exploded, weeks of suppressed anger bursting to the surface.
    Aneesa’s face was a study in surprise as the American girl pulled off her repulsive apricot apron and flung it at the manageress.
    Carmen took the girl’s arm. ‘You come with us, dear,’ she said and glanced over to see Frank’s stunned expression. ‘Let’s get you a nice drink. You look parched in this bloody heat.’
    A few minutes later, Jessica was sitting next to Carmen and across from Frank at a café on the east side of Floor 198. She was beginning to take in what had happened.
    ‘Horrible woman,’ Carmen was saying. Frank gave Jessica a sympathetic look.
    The drinks arrived and Jessica turned to Carmen. ‘Thank you for sticking up for me back there but really, you needn’t have . . .’
    ‘Nonsense, dear. Some people think they can exploit young girls like you. Well –’
    They all heard the strange noise at the same moment. It seemed to be coming from outside the Tower. For a second, it sounded like the rumbling of a low-flying jet but then it sharpened in pitch.
    The table started to vibrate. A cup smashed to the floor on the other side of the restaurant. Jessica turned from Carmen to Frank with sudden panic in her eyes.

    Sky Mall, Floor 199, Cloud Tower, Dubai, 12 December, 8.45 am
    Mohammed bin Faizook felt utterly bewildered. He had been in the city for 18 hours and it still felt like an alien world. Everything here was so loud, so blaring, it was almost unbearable. And this building . . . He had seen it as he had been driven into the city on the coach from Al Ain but it wasn’t until he stepped out of the elevator nearly a kilometre above the city that he realised quite how terrifying it was.
    This was Mohammed’s first visit to Dubai and he was missing home already. His family lived 300 kilometres away, in the Bedouin village of Al Alifa, deep in the desert to the east. He was the first of his family in many years to travel more than 20 kilometres from the village and if it had not been for the matter of urgent family business, he would never have volunteered.
    His soul was of the desert; he did not understand how people could live the way they did in the city. Here everything

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