My Life as a Cartoonist

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Book: Read My Life as a Cartoonist for Free Online
Authors: Janet Tashjian
don’t like her, then why do you care?”
    â€œDon’t make this about me. You’re as shocked as I am she’s making out with Crash.”
    Matt smirks, as if getting me upset is part of his master plan. “I’m surprised she’s with Crash, but I’m not half as upset as you are.”
    â€œI AM NOT UPSET!”
    This statement is so ludicrous I have no choice but to join Matt in his laughter.
    â€œI’m just shocked. I mean, Crash is so—”
    â€œâ€”Much cooler than we are?” Matt interrupts.
    I don’t admit to Matt that the reason I’m having a hard time with Carly going out with Crash isn’t because the guy’s too cool but because he’s actually nice .
    I don’t often work in my mother’s office but one day last year I was helping her organize some samples when Crash came in with his father and their cat that wouldn’t stop scratching. As I watched from the hall, an older woman came out of one of the exam rooms, crying because her dog had just been put to sleep. My mother had her arm around the woman as she headed toward the exit. The woman told my mom she was fine but when she started crying all over again, it was Crash who jumped up from his seat to grab the woman’s arm and help her to the door. I was nearby but, I’m ashamed to admit, frozen by the woman’s grief. It’s easy for Matt and me to make fun of Crash but I know there’s more to him than just his surfer vocabulary and skateboarding skills.
    â€œHey, guys! What are you still doing here?”
    Matt and I freeze at the sound of Carly’s voice. Thankfully she’s by herself.
    Matt tells her today was the debut of his comedy club. While he discusses the class, I check Carly out with new eyes. She is smart and her newfound confidence from surfing has made her more attractive too. Her hair is lighter from all the time she’s spending outside.
    Neither Matt nor I have ever gone out with anyone; I guess I never thought Carly would beat us to that milestone. I try not to think of her differently as she talks to Matt now, but I have to admit, I do.
    â€œYou want to get some frozen yogurt?” she asks.
    Matt gives me a look, asking me what I think. I say sure and we head toward Wilshire. We talk about the shocking piles of homework Ms. Decker’s been handing out and how Swifty had to get stitches on his forehead after tripping in a puddle of his own sweat in gym class. As I watch Carly do her impersonation of Swifty, all I can think of is Crash—and how lucky he is to have Carly as a girlfriend.

Lots of Preparation
    The next few days I’m so focused on preparing for cartoon club that I fail a math test and forget to walk Snickers, who ends up peeing all over the rug in Mom’s office. Neither of these events bothers me much but I do feel bad about missing time with Bodi. He’s been more lethargic than usual, so I promise myself to spend some time with him after Thursday’s meeting.
    As I told Ms. McCoddle, Ms. Ramirez, and anyone else who’d listen, I hardly consider myself an illustration expert; I just want to talk about drawing cartoons. Two of the kids who signed up—Terry and Tommy, identical twins who I’ve never been in class with—do these hilarious drawings of cats with bloodshot eyes and razor-like claws that I’ve seen plastered around school. My guess is that they were influenced by Ren and Stimpy , and I can’t wait to talk to them about it.
    I put together an outline for the six weeks the club will run and include topics like developing characters and layout. For an instant, I consider having my father come in as a guest lecturer, but since he’s my dad and I’m trying to project an aura of independence, I decide against it.
    In the section on materials, I write down all the different options most comic book artists

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