Mr. Sir (Ball & Chain)

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Book: Read Mr. Sir (Ball & Chain) for Free Online
Authors: Jayne Kingston
Tags: Erótica
    He’d refused to give her any details. He’d promised that he’d found someone reliable to watch the boys, and assured her they were going to have a great time. After the gloomy cloud that had been hovering over them since their failed anniversary celebration, she hadn’t had the strength to fight for more information. She was simply going to let go and have fun. It was going to be just the two of them. She couldn’t wait.
    She stepped off the elevator, got ten feet away and stopped dead in her tracks. Someone was sitting at her desk, already busy working on her computer.
    And it wasn’t just any someone. It was Stacy.
    “What’s going on?”
    “I have no idea,” Stacy gushed nervously. “I got here this morning and Mary from HR told me I was being assigned to Owen’s desk. I tried to ask what was going on, but she told me it was none of my business.”
    Grace turned and nearly ran directly into Mary, who dealt directly with all of the administrative staff. Grace opened her mouth to protest but Mary’s hand snapped up, stopping her from saying anything.
    “In my office now,” the older woman said, and turned on her heel.
    “You’ve been moved to Dean Sanders’ office,” Mary said when they were in her office with the door closed. “I have been asked to notify you that you’re officially on probation for ninety days.”
    Grace’s eyes bugged. “For taking two minutes out of my day to give my husband a blowjob?” she asked, her voice high pitched and incredulous. “Almost a month ago?”
    Mary’s cheeks bloomed pink.
    “I understand what I did was wrong. I do. Seriously, dock my check for the time if you need to, but I think much more is being made of this than needs to be.”
    “Grace,” Mary started patiently, sitting at one of the chairs in front of her desk. She motioned for Grace to take the other. “First of all, you have to understand that Mr. Ziegelski has zero tolerance for anyone who takes liberties of that kind in his office.”
    “I got that,” she answered dryly, sitting.
    “You were moved because there was a second complaint made regarding possible insubordination toward Mr. Ziegelski.”
    Grace’s mind reeled as she tried to come up with something, anything, she could have said that would be misinterpreted as insubordinate toward Ziegelski.
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Who made the complaint?”
    Mary gave her a sympathetic look. “I’m not at liberty to say.”
    She shook her head, confusion and the lack of information causing her temper to rise. “Then what did I supposedly say?”
    “I don’t have all the details, Grace. This went over my head and straight to the boss. He asked me to give you a verbal warning and separate you and your husband. As far as I know I’ll be able to reassign you to Owen’s office at the end of the ninety-day probation period unless Mr. Ziegelski tells me otherwise.”
    Grace deflated all at once. Nothing made sense.
    In every office she’d ever worked in, much more than just a blowjob happened between coworkers all the time. And no one was ever punished or put on probation before. The first time she’d pleasured her husband at the office—ever, in the entire time she’d known him—and she was ratted out and put on probation.
    Worse than that, something she may or may not have said was now in question. She rarely made snide remarks about her coworkers, even to Owen. Even then she only bitched or gossiped to him when they were absolutely, without a doubt alone.
    “So I’m not fired?” she asked.
    “No. Grace, you’re a terrific worker. We’d hate to lose you.”
    Grace snorted. “Except for Ziegelski.”
    “Just lay low and let this blow over,” Mary advised.
    “Nothing like having to work with my accuser,” Grace muttered.
    The little head shake Mary gave Grace was nearly imperceptible.
    “It wasn’t Sanders?” Grace asked.
    “I really can’t say,” Mary told her, shaking her head very slowly,

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