Moon Thrall

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Book: Read Moon Thrall for Free Online
Authors: Donna Grant
That’s when it walked into our dorm room.”
    “A vampire,” Court guessed.
    Skye nodded and glanced down. “I was so terrified I couldn’t move. Since I was closer, he came at me first. Jo knew what he was, even if I didn’t. She used a spell, along with silver to keep him from me. But he was determined to have one of us.”
    Court reached over and placed his hand on hers, giving Skye what little comfort he could. It may have happened years ago, but it obviously still affected her.
    “Jo was so brave,” Skye said with a smile. “I could only sit there and watch as she battled him. I never thought he would leave, but eventually she won. For the next two weeks, she told me everything she knew about the supernatural. I made notes, bought as much silver jewelry as I could, and soaked up everything she told me.”
    Skye paused and shifted in her seat. “One night, I came back to our room with an armload of books on the occult from the library only to find the room empty except for her silver necklace lying broken in the middle of the room. The police found her body three days later completely drained of blood.”
    “The vamp got her,” Court said. “As powerful a witch as Jo was, she was overtaken by a vampire. That should tell you something.”
    Skye wiped at her eyes and sniffed. “I’ve been focused on the supernatural ever since. I had no idea vampires were real until that day. So many books and movies romanticize them, when in fact, they’re monsters.”
    “They’re beings who were once human. They were turned, whether willingly or by force,” he told her. “Not all vampires are monsters. They do need blood to survive, but there are those in New Orleans who don’t kill. Those vamps get their food supply from humans who willingly give their blood to the vampires. In return, the vamps pay them well and give them protection.”
    Skye made a sound. “Who would they need protection from? The worst monster is now their friend.”
    “There’s the Djinn, witches, werewolves, and more importantly, there is Delphine.”
    “I’ve heard that name,” Skye said with a small frown. “She’s a Voodoo priestess, right?”
    Court nodded as he pressed the accelerator and began driving again. “Stay far away from her, Skye. Trust me when I say you don’t want to be on her radar. She’s lethal and has no compunction about killing you on a crowded street.”
    “So you came to New Orleans to expose the supernatural.” He shook his head, still unable to believe it. “That takes some balls.”
    She smiled and faced forward. “I told you my story. You still haven’t told me why you’re so concerned about what I put in my articles.”
    “Off the record?” he asked, glancing at her. She would find out all about his family with a little digging anyway.
    “Off the record,” Skye confirmed.
    He rested one hand atop the steering wheel and put the other on the gearshift. “We keep the peace in the city.”
    “Me and my three brothers.”
    She smoothed a hand over her slicked backed ponytail. “You’re a supernatural being, aren’t you?”
    “Yep.” He spared her another quick look to gauge her reaction. She didn’t seem the least bit surprised. “Figure out what kind yet?”
    Riley shrugged. “A matter of deduction, really. You’re not a vampire or a Djinn. You don’t look the type to practice Voodoo, nor are you a witch. That leaves...werewolf.”
    He was impressed. “Are you scared?”
    “Should I be?”
    Court laughed. “With that attitude, you just might make it out of New Orleans alive.”
    “Who said anything about leaving?”
    He drove onto the highway. “You really want to risk your life to report on the craziness of the city?”
    “I’d be dead if it hadn’t been for Jo,” she argued.
    “You’d be dead tonight if it hadn’t been for me.” Court flattened his lips. “No matter how much you know about the supernatural, you’re still not prepared to defend

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