Montana Hearts

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Book: Read Montana Hearts for Free Online
Authors: Charlotte Carter
the Rocking R wasn’t properly drained, it could turn the nearby spring creek into a polluted garbage dump. Kurt’s herd wouldn’t be able to drink the water. He’d have to fence it off. Maybe even need to dig a new well if he wanted to keep cattle grazing this northern section.
    Why on earth would Ezra sell or lease his land to an outfit like Western Region Cattle Feeding? And how could Kurt make sure the feeding operation was either stopped or forced to comply with environmental water quality rules? And monitored.
    He wheeled Pepper toward home in a slow walk. Given the tension in his household—Beth on a razor edge of rebellion and his new housekeeper—and now the threat of a concentrated feeding operation butting up against his land, Kurt knew the summer was going to be filled with nothing but trouble.
    To Sarah’s dismay, she’d learned that ranchers get up before dawn to start their day. She’d barely had a chance to dress before Kurt and Toby finished their breakfast and were out the door.
    She cleaned up the dishes, then took a moment to sit at the kitchen table, drink a cup of tea and watch the eastern sky change from the pink of sunrise to the baby-blue of a summer day.
    Beth came into the kitchen wearing a nice pair of designer jeans and a stretchy top that bared an inch or two of skin around her midsection. A little mature for a twelve-year-old, Sarah thought, but she didn’t say anything.
    Without acknowledging Sarah’s presence, Beth dropped a couple of pieces of white bread into the toaster and found a jar of peanut butter in the cupboard.
    â€œGood morning, Beth. Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.”
    â€œAfter I put on a load of wash—” which she had discovered in an overflowing laundry hamper “—and do a little dusting, I thought I might pull some weeds in the flower beds out front.”
    â€œMy mother took care of the flowers.” The toast popped up, and Beth spread peanut butter on each slice.
    â€œIt’s a shame to let the garden go. I’m sure the flowers were beautiful when your mother was alive.”
    â€œI guess.” Beth took a bite of toast, then got out a pitcher of orange juice from the refrigerator and poured herself a glass.
    â€œI’d love to have you help me pull some weeds.”
    â€œCan’t. I’m going to ride my bike into town. I’ll be home in time for supper.”
    Beth’s casual announcement stopped Sarah in her mental tracks. “I thought I heard your father say you were grounded.”
    She washed down the first piece of toast with a big gulp of juice. “Dad won’t care. He just said that ’cause Nana was so upset, having one of her stupid spells.”
    Sarah had the niggling feeling that she was being conned by a budding expert. “Let’s check with your dad, okay?”
    â€œHe’s way out in the north pasture. There’s no way to reach him. And I’m tellin’ you, he won’t care.” She tossed her long hair behind her shoulder and started on the second piece of toast.
    â€œDoesn’t he have a cell phone? We could call him.”
    Beth stopped eating. Her gaze darted around the room, looking everywhere except right at Sarah.
    â€œYou don’t know anything about living on a ranch, do you?” she said in a disdainful way. “There are dead zones out here where you can’t get any cell service.”
    â€œI saw you texting on your cell last night.”
    Beth’s fair complexion bloomed with a spark of anger.
    â€œThat was here at the ranch. Not way off in the north section.”
    â€œWell, then, we have a problem, don’t we.” Picking up her tea cup, Sarah walked over to the sink and set the cup down. “I can’t let you go anywhere unless I’m sure you have your father’s permission.”
    Stunned, she widened her eyes. “You’ve

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