Molly Brown

Read Molly Brown for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Molly Brown for Free Online
Authors: B. A. Morton
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Retail
isn’t. If Molly has convinced herself the Wizard is real, she might well believe she can find him and he’ll solve any problems she has.”
    “You think she might attach to any old guy she meets?”
    Miss Rogers considered the question for a moment “No, I think he would have to be someone she can identify with.”
    “Great, so we’re looking for the Wizard of Oz , or a guy with straw hair and a carrot for a nose?”
    Miss Rogers smiled kindly and shook her head. “No I don’t think even Molly is that simplistic. If someone has Molly, then he’s going to be a very unique individual. Molly has ignored all attempts at communication by everyone here. It would take something, or someone, very special to breach the defenses she’s created.”
    Con nell stood ready to leave. Miss Rogers was very naive. Any individual, unique or otherwise, could take a child by force. His only hope now was that little Molly Brown was hiding out at the library, adding to her collection. 
    He turned back when he got to the door. “Do you think Molly Brown is weird?”
    Miss Rogers smiled. “No, I think Molly Brown is unique.”
    Connell returned her smile. She was definitely, his favorite teacher.
    *   *  *
    It was meant to be late night at the library, but although only four o’clock, most of the people had already left, or maybe the place was never busy. What did Connell know? It wasn’t a place he frequented. He had a real urge to speak loudly, just for the heck of it. Or maybe drop a book or slam a door. He was regressing, and if he didn’t grow up and learn how to behave, he was going to get himself in trouble. When he caught the elderly librarian’s attention, she peered at him over the top of her glasses and the look in her eye was enough to shush him before he committed any major infringement of library etiquette.
    He cleared his throat as loudly as he dared. “Ma’am, I’m looking for a particular book. Maybe you can help me out?” He tried his most charming smile, the one usually guaranteed to work magic on anyone, but she merely harrumphed, narrowed her eyes; and the largest cat he’d ever seen jumped onto the counter and settled itself beside her. Connell was momentarily distracted as the cat proceeded to lick its paws with a raspy tongue.
    “You think I’ve got time to run around finding books for people who are too damned lazy to look for themselves?”
    Connell dragged his attention back. Wow, she was one prickly lady and that cat was something else - maybe a hybrid, or genetically engineered. More weirdness. “No, ma’am, not at all. I was hoping you could just point me in the right direction.” One day very soon he was going to bring Joe in here with a ball and let him bounce it as loudly as possible all down the hall.
    “What you lookin’ for? Crime Thrillers? Hist ory? Travel? Sport? Porn? We haven’t got none of that in here. You want porn, you need to look at the top shelf at the corner liquor store. C’mon, you gotta give me a clue. I haven’t got all day.”
    Did he look like he’d come in looking for porn? Maybe he needed to clean up, get a shave. Connell shoved his hands in his pockets and gazed around. He probably could have found what he was looking for by himself, but hey, she was getting paid for her customer service skills and she sure needed the practice.
    “I was looking for a copy of The Wizard of Oz.”
    The cat flexed its claws against the counter top and the woman adjusted her glasses and looked at Connell a little harder. “You come about that kid?”
    “What kid?”Connell snapped to attention.
    “Why, the kid who doesn’t understand that this is a lending library, not a ‘take what you like and don’t bother bringing it back’ library.”
    Connell pulled out the photo of Molly. “Is this the kid?”
    The woman took the photo from him for closer scrutiny. “Sure, that’s her. Funny little thing, isn’t she?”
    “When was she here?” he asked.
    The librarian

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