Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends

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Book: Read Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends for Free Online
Authors: Sandra Kynes
Tags: Witchcraft, Body; Mind & Spirit
marked with a milliliter gauge for measuring carrier oil is a nice conve-nience (optional)
    • Small adhesive labels
    • A notebook
    • Cotton swabs or perfume blotter strips/scent testing strips (optional)
    All bottles used for essential oils should be dark in color and made of glass. A dark bottle prevents oil degradation caused by light. Most bottles on the market are usually amber or cobalt blue and come in a range of sizes. Never use plastic because the bottle’s chemical composition can interact with essential oils. The 2 and 5 milliliter size bottles are good for blending essential oils, and the 15 or 30 milliliter sizes work well for combining them with carrier oil. Also, have a separate dropper for each essential oil when transferring them to the blending bottle to avoid even a minor inadvertent mixing of oils. Even a tiny bit of 28 Getting Started
    different oil can change the fragrance. Make sure that the bottles and droppers are clean and dry before use. It is best to work on a surface that is washable because essential oils can damage varnish, paint, and plastic surfaces. I also recommend putting down a layer of paper towels to catch any stray drops.
    For the moment we will assume that you have chosen your essential and carrier oils
    and you have all of your paraphernalia in front of you. Now what?
    Because these oil blends are going to be used for magic and ritual, I like to set that intent from the very beginning. After I assemble all my blending gear, I draw a pentagram with a felt-tip pen on the paper towels on my work surface. While I’m doing this I like to chant or say an incantation such as:
    “Green world, green world, abundant and pure;
    Bring forth your strength, beauty and more.
    Green world, green world please assist me;
    Manifest my intentions, so mote it be.”
    For your first blend it’s a good idea to start with three oils so it will be interesting but simple. In fact, more is not always better and some really nice blends can be made with two to four oils. The first step is to get familiar with the individual scents. Open one bottle of essential oil and dip a cotton swab or blotter strip into the oil. Gently waft it back and forth under your nose. If you are not using a swab or strips, waft the bottle back and forth but hold it farther than you would the blotter strip (no closer than your chin) as the fragrance directly from the bottle will be stronger.
    Close your eyes for a moment and allow the scent to speak to you. Does it evoke
    any particular sensation, emotion, or image? Take a moment to write your impressions in your notebook and then put the lid back on the bottle or set the swab/blotter strip aside.
    You may also want to walk into a different room to clear your senses of the fragrance before moving on to the next oil. Although I have not tried it, I have heard that wafting fresh coffee grounds under the nose can clear the olfactory senses.
    When you return to your work space, repeat this process for the other oils. The last step before actually mixing them is to take all three swabs or blotter strips and waft them together under your nose. If you are not using these, set all three open bottles together and move your face back and forth above them. This will provide a little preview of how the oils may blend, but don’t jump to any conclusions. You will only know how the blend works after the oils are actually mixed and they have time to settle and mature.
    Getting Started 29
    Now, you are ready to blend. Using separate droppers, put one drop of each essential oil into the blending bottle. While Agent 007 may have preferred his martini “shaken, not stirred”, for mixing oils we want to swirl not shake. For most blends, swirl in a deosil direction, however, when blending for banishing, protection, or some other intentions you may want to swirl the opposite way in a widdershins direction. After a few swirls, waft the bottle near your face to preview the blend. Keep in mind the

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