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Book: Read Mischief for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
of strong response in him. He did not under stand it. He had never even met Stone. Thus far, Matthias knew his new rival only by his writings. Soon, he promised himself, he would track Stone down and have a word with the upstart.
    My lord?" Horatia said cautiously. About our little problem?"
    Forgive me, madam, Stone is a sore point with me."
    I can see that, sir."
    Ever since I returned to England a few months ago I have been made increasingly aware of his encroaching articles in the Review.
    Members of the Zamarian Society actually take sides now when Stone and I disagree in print."
    I can certainly understand your feelings on the subject, sir, given your unquestioned position in the field," Horatia said diplo matically.
    Unquestioned position? I A. Stone questions my position at every opportunity. But that is another issue. It is Imogen and her mad scheme that we are discussing."
    Horatia searched his face. Yes, it is."
    I suppose it is unlikely that the incident three years ago will make it impossible for her to re-enter Society?"
    Do not pin your hopes on the possibility that she will not receive the proper invitations," Horatia advised. I fear Society will find her vastly entertaining. The combination of my connection to Blanchford, her own respectable inheritance from Selwyn, and her tale of a map that will lead someone to a Zamarian treasure will all combine to captivate the jaded interest of the ton."
    She will not be considered marriageable, but she will definitely be entertaining," Matthias said softly.
    I fear that sums it up rather nicely."
    It is a recipe for disaster."
    Yes, my lord. You are my only hope. If you do not find a way to alter her course, Imogen will surely sail straight into the sea of catastrophe." Horatia paused just long enough to add weight to her next words. It seems to me that if you truly mean to repay your debt to my brother, you must save Imogen. That is what Selwyn would have wanted."
    Matthias raised his brows. You have a rather concise way of summing up matters yourself, misses Elibank."

    I am desperate, sir."
    You must be, if you think to manipulate me toward your own ends with that promise that I gave your brother."
    Horatia gasped, but she held her ground. My lord, I beg you will prevent my niece from pursuing this folly."
    Matthias held her eyes with his own. You claim to be acquainted with my reputation, misses Elibank. If that is so, then you must know that I am more inclined to destroy others than to save them."
    I am well aware of that, sir." Horatia spread her hands. But there is no one else. She will not listen to me. And you did make that promise to my brother. The whole world knows that Cold blooded Colchester always keeps his promises."
    Matthias turned away without responding. He walked out the door and crossed the hall to the staircase. He took the steps two at a time.
    When he reached the landing he stopped to listen. A loud crash followed by several muffled thumps told him that his quarry was working in the east wing. He went down the corridor with long, determined strides.
    Imogen Waterstone had already caused enough commotion in his life, he decided. It was time he took control of his own fate. He always fulfilled his promises, but, as he had warned Horatia, he did so on his own terms.
    A series of thuds guided him to the open door of a bedchamber on the left side of the passageway. Matthias halted in the opening and surveyed the interior.
    The chamber was a dark, shadowed room that had been deco rated in the same funereal style as the rest of the house. Heavy black curtains had been tied back from the windows, but the light that entered had little impact on the overall gloom. The bed was shrouded in colors suitable to mourning. Black and maroon hang ings cascaded from the ceiling.
    Far and away the most interesting sight in the chamber was Imogen's nicely rounded backside. Matthias felt a sharp tug in the vicinity of his groin.
    The lush curve of Imogen's derriere

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