    Her guard was waiting for her when she left their chambers and she nodded to the four on duty. She would learn their names later. Aleyn could just pluck it from their heads, but that would be rude as well as a stab in the eye of Citadel ethics.
    Today, no one was willing to take a run at her. A few wanted to, but none would commit to the act. Good for them, she could live without gripping someone’s mind again.
    The rest of the week flew by in rounds of formal occasions, dances, dinners and nights spent in the arms of the father of her child. She almost relaxed her guard. Almost.
    The final day of her probation there was another attack. This time , five wolves attacked her at the same time. Four engaged her guard while one lunged for her throat.
    With all the minds in frenzy so close to her, the wolf knocked her down before she could grab his mind. Teeth gnashed as he approached her face and she struck out with her mind. She didn’t strike to stop him, she struck to kill. With a yelp and a twitch , her attacker fell aside. His limbs thrashed for a moment and then stilled.
    The audience chamber was silent. Baileez was on his feet, staring in horror. Her guards had made quick work of the other wolves, two shifting into that form to battle. Shaking, she took two of her guard’s hands to get to her feet. She straightened her gown, unintentionally swiping blood across the bodice. The courtiers in the room were still watching silently. She slowly made her way to her new throne, next to Baileez’s. Her beloved took her hands and kissed her bleeding palm, then helped her sit next to him.
    The master of the petitioners called forth those who would bring concerns to the King. No one moved.
    He called out again. This time there was an answering voice from the back of the room. “I would speak to you, King Baileez.”
    “What about?” He called out and took Aleyn’s hand. She squeezed his hand back gratefully. It was only when the petitioner made his way to the front of the crowd that she felt the sting of dread.
    The Citadel Chancellor bowed low. “I am here to address the theft perpetrated by Minder Aleyn Zargas of the Alliance protectorate of Terra.”
    Baileez looked confused and Aleyn sighed. She knew that it would come to this, the instant that he had told her of the charges he had laid at her door. The Citadel would not stand for someone using their training to abuse another creature.
    “Chancellor, is there any way that we could do this with slightly more privacy? I am assuming that you brought a tribunal with you.”
    “We can. Do you have a place?”
    “Von? Would you please arrange somewhere more private for us? This is going to share private information about me and my training that I would not like to be made common knowledge.” Von nodded to her and gestured for her and her two humanoid and two wolfen guardsmen to follow. Baileez and his guardsmen brought up the rear, followed by the Chancellor who was speaking into his com.
    The room was one of Aleyn’s favourites. The library. Von even sent for tea. She took up a comfortable position on a couch and , with her prodding, Von moved some desks into a row across from her. The Chancellor took the centre desk, and as the other Citadel representatives came through the doors , she was ready for any questions.
    It was a good thing, they started with the question she didn’t want to answer.
    “All these proceedings will be recorded for the Citadel Archive. Do you agree?”
    “I agree.”
    “King Baileez? Do you agree?”
    “I don’t know where this is going, but I agree.”
    “Excellent. Minder, did you rape or force in any way the sex between you two?”
    Bai looked shocked, but Aleyn answered, “No. I simply used my body. He appreciated it and fell under my spell.”
    “Minder, the next morning, you completed an illegal mind wipe. What memories did you take?”
    “I took his memories of me. Of our coupling. I gave him a memory of being with

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