Message From Viola Mari

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Book: Read Message From Viola Mari for Free Online
Authors: Sabrina Devonshire
Tags: Science-Fiction, Erotic Romance
aiming for nonchalant. At least as nonchalant as I could appear, lying flat on my back in a public place. “If I wasn’t interested, I would have scratched this spot on my nose.” I pushed up on my elbows and pointed to a scaly spot on the side of my nose. “I just rub it so it bleeds to avoid having to say anything else.” Our faces nearly collided as I stood. The tantalizing warmth of his breath and proximity made me ache for a taste of his full, sensual lips.
    “How reassuring. So you save the blood for the worst and the fainting for the best? Can I expect every meeting with you to end in a nine-one-one call?” His green eyes danced with mischief.
    “Oh, I’m not sure I can deliver that much excitement every time.” I cleared my throat, feeling awkward. When I tried to stand up, I swayed, still feeling lightheaded.
    His strong hands gripped my upper arms and he leaned in to brace me. If you want me to stay conscious, stop turning me on, will you? As we stood facing each other, the contours of his pectoral muscles pressed against my breasts. A strand of hair fell into my eyes, blocking my view of the V at the top of his button-up shirt, where wiry strands of chest hair stuck out. As I pulled slowly away from him, one of his hands brushed the hair from my eyes.
    “Should I call the paramedics?” asked our waitress.
    “No, I think she’ll live. If she stops breathing, I’m prepared to resuscitate her.” Justin raised an eyebrow and licked his sumptuous lips. My lips quivered at the thought of kissing him.
    “Yes, I’m fine, really. Just a little low blood sugar, that’s all.” I reluctantly pulled myself from Justin’s grasp and walked over to the table to pick up my purse.
    “So are we on for Friday, then? Say about six.”
    “That works for me.”
    He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and I told him my address and phone number so he could save it. “Thanks for your help and for lunch. I won’t forget this meeting for a long time.” I blushed.
    “Yeah, me either.”
    He walked me to my car and asked if I was okay to drive. I assured him I was fine.
    “I’ll see you on Friday.” The seductive gaze he gave me seemed to add in bed .
    If you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m going to cum in my pants. “Sounds good. I’ll see you then.” My voice sounded hoarse.
    He shut my car door and peered through the glass at me for a moment before walking away. Warm tingly spots lingered everywhere he had touched. You shouldn’t get infatuated with your teacher. You should focus on your manuscript, like a good student instead of thinking about jumping his bones on a waterbed whenever he encourages you to persevere.
    It was a seafood dinner we sought, among other things. We sat across from each other in front of an enormous picture window overlooking the ocean. The sky was a brilliant pink, the sea a dark wet blanket stretched out below.
    “I’m feeling rather festive tonight,” Justin said. “Could I interest you in bottle of champagne?”
    “Sure.” I pulled at the shoulder strap on my black dress, tugged at a golden loop in my ear, and crossed and uncrossed my legs until the backs of my thighs felt sticky with nervous sweat.
    “Marissa, relax,” he said softly. “You’re making me nervous.”
    I dropped my hands into my lap. A girl with blond hair tightly pulled back and a flawless complexion stopped by the table to take our drink orders.
    “We’d like a bottle of your house champagne, please,” he said.
    “Good choice,” she said cheerfully. She jotted a note and then walked briskly toward the bar.
    When she returned with our champagne, Justin motioned for me to sample. My gaze on him, I sipped and then nodded. The waitress filled our glasses, leaving them bubbling in front of us.
    Justin raised his glass. “Here’s to an evening free of emergencies.” When he smiled, happy crinkles formed at the corners of his eyes.
    “I’ll drink to that.” I raised my glass and tapped

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