
Read Menage for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Menage for Free Online
Authors: Emma Holly
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica
off and slide your foot over here. Then I might tell you.'
    I did as he asked. He trapped my instep against his bulge by pressing his thighs together. He was big already, but he grew bigger when I curled my toes.
    'Bad girl,’ he said, but he didn't tell me to stop.
    Instead, he continued his story. '"Flash" means to give yourself away as liking men too much. Joe flashed because he came almost as soon as I touched him - too fast for me. I wanted to drag things out. Luckily, the whole thing excited him so much he didn't even go soft before he stiffened up again. "More?" I asked. I think he said something like, "Gee, would you?" - as if I wasn't delighted to do it. After that round, he remembered me. Some guys don't, you know. Some guys think as long as they don't do anything back, they can't be gay, as though being inconsiderate makes you straight. Not Joe, though. 'Would I like him to return the favour ? he asked. Would I ever - only I wasn't about to trust ol ' Willy to a neophyte. "Why don't you see if you like the rear door?" I say. Lord, he was so afraid he'd hurt me, I was laughing by the time he finally got it in. Then he put his hand on my cock, in that gentle way he has, like my dick was something precious. I melted then and there. I vowed I'd keep him, by hook or by crook.' He screwed up his face at this admission.
    'He really likes you,’ I said, reading his embarrassment. 'He wouldn't stay with you if he didn't want to.'
    'Maybe not.' Sean released my hand and clinked his spoon through the melted yellow soup in his gelato dish. 'Thing is, the first time I saw him ogle a girl, I knew I was keeping him from half his nature. He wanted to try again. I could see it in his face.'
    ‘I'm sure he wanted to try again because you restored his confidence.'
    'But I let him know, in a hundred ways, that I'd be upset if he did try.'
    'What of it? Who wants their lover to sleep around? You would have been upset. Joe chose not to upset you because he cares about you. None of that seems wrong to me. What I want to know is what changed your mind? Why did you make an exception for me?' 'Honestly?' 'Of course, honestly.' 'At first, it was just because I knew I couldn't stop it.
    He had it bad for you from the start. I mean, his appetite was always big, but since we moved in with you I'd take him three, four times a day and still hear him beating off before he went to bed. Every time you stopped to chat, to listen to that damn album or whatever, he'd be a maniac afterwards. He tried to hide what was making him so horny, but I knew. He started mumbling your name in his sleep. Once he even called out "Kate" when we were having sex.'
    'I'm sorry, Sean. That must have hurt.'
    He waved my concern away. 'Not so much. By then I was starting to get off on it. He wanted you so bad, and thought he'd never have you. I loved watching him sweat.' He stuck his spoon in his mouth and pulled it out upside down. 'Just like you do. Anyway, I knew you had the hots for him, even if he didn't. I started to think: what if I set it up for him? What if I make myself part of it? I've been with girls before and with some of them, it was good. And you remind me of him. You've got that glow like something's simmering inside. It isn't obvious, but someone with my radar can pick up on it. You like sex as much as Joe does.'
    I raised my eyebrows at that. 'I've never had it four or five times a day.'
    'Haven't you?' He leant forward, his forearms flush with the Formica tabletop. 'Not even doing it for yourself?'
    That brought the colour to my face. I had, of course -not every day, but plenty of days. My ex, a two- fer at the most, had never wrung it all out of me.
    'If you haven't, you could,’ he said in his know-everything way. 'Between Joe and me, you could certainly give it a try.'
    My heart played Fred Astaire for a couple of beats. Sean was offering me my fantasy on a platter - except he wasn't a fantasy. He was a real person with real feelings. I might

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