Memoirs Of An Invisible Man

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Book: Read Memoirs Of An Invisible Man for Free Online
Authors: H.F. Saint
Tags: thriller, Science-Fiction, adventure, Fantasy, Adult
that’s why it sometimes seems more the former than the latter.”
    Really, we were hitting it off splendidly. Anne, who usually had an appetite for ideological conflict, seemed on this occasion irritated, however. She was probably embarrassed by me — a thought which added to my own annoyance. She moved to take control.
    “This thing is scheduled for ten-thirty—” she began.
    But a thought struck me, and I interrupted. “Say, you don’t have a brother or a cousin named Bradford Carillon, do you? Works at Morgan?”
    “Half-brother,” he replied coldly.
    “Great guy,” I said, totally inaccurately. “I’ll let him know I ran into you.”
    “We’ve got to get along,” Anne said firmly. She had definitely had enough. “How far is it to MicroMagnetics, exactly?”
    Carillon seemed to welcome the interruption. It was ten minutes to MicroMagnetics, but the two of them began a discussion, as if it were a complex and engrossing problem, of distances and driving times and alternative routes. They both carefully avoided looking at me or acknowledging my presence. I considered taking a taxi on my own but decided that would seem childishly petulant. Carillon was excusing himself to get the car.
    “Why don’t we just come with you to the parking lot?” asked Anne.
    “No, just wait here a moment, and I’ll get everything organized.”
    The hero of the revolution hurried off up the platform, and as soon as he was out of earshot, Anne shared with me her view of my behavior.
    “Jesus Christ. Can’t you be civil?”
    “I thought I was being civil. I practically had to carry the whole conversation, although I’m not sure why we’re wasting our time talking to this guy. We should get into Princeton and rent a car for—”
    “It’s my job to talk to him. I enjoy talking to him.”
    “I was enjoying talking to him too.”
    “Well, you’ve had enough enjoyment for today. Leave him alone.”
    “Exactly what I’d like to do. But by the way, what in God’s name possessed you to call these people and put them up to harassing Micro-Magnetics?”
    This question subdued her instantly; she was visibly uncomfortable with it.
    “I didn’t put anyone up to anything. Because I take the trouble to follow what happens in the world I live in, I was aware of the active concern of Students for a Fair World with certain issues, and it was part of my job to find out whether they were planning any action in response to a highly publicized event organized by the nuclear industry. And also I wish you wouldn’t mention this to anyone else. Especially at the
    “Anne, my love, this is not a ‘highly publicized event.’ We shall probably be the only people who bother to come — and if the weather forecast hadn’t been completely inaccurate, even that turnout would have been cut at least in half. Furthermore, MicroMagnetics, whoever they may be, would surely be amazed and thrilled to know that someone had included them in ‘the nuclear industry.’ But I absolutely adore you, and I couldn’t care less if you want to organize an armed rebellion in central New Jersey while on salary at the
I won’t tell a soul. As a matter of fact, I’m making an effort to keep on your good side; I’m counting on you to put in a good word for me with these people, assure them that I was really a secret sympathizer all along — I mean in case the question should come up at some point after the revolution.”
    I smiled my most engaging smile. (I no longer have an engaging smile— or any other smile — at my disposal. It is as if I could only talk to other human beings over the telephone.)
    She laughed. “Does he really have a brother who works at Morgan?” she asked.
    “Yes. Also a prig.”
    Standing on the platform with the spring breeze pushing her hair and clothing around, Anne looked splendid. We agreed on a truce. I would be civil to everyone I encountered. Anne would try to acquire in the shortest possible

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