
Read Martyr for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Martyr for Free Online
Authors: A. R. Kahler
Tags: Martyr
traitorous Sphere pulled him under.
    â€œWe’re so proud of you,” Mom said, hugging him one last time. They stood outside the dormitory, Dad idling the car in the street. Dad never liked goodbyes; one quick hug had been enough for him. “You’re going to be great.”
    Tenn took a deep breath. He wanted to cry, wanted to tell her to take him back home, to lie and say he didn’t want to learn about the Spheres and magic, even though a week ago it was all he could think about. The buildings were too big, the other kids too loud. Home was too far away, and no magic, no power could be worth this much hurt .
    â€œI love you,” she said. One more hug. She was trying so hard not to cry. “I’ll see you soon. Over winter break.”
    He tried to stem his tears while she turned and walked back to the car. The dorm-mother shuffled up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, son,” she said. “You’ll see her again before you know it.”
    Lies .
    The Howls had seen to that .
    â€œShut up!” he screamed.
    His words ripped through the memory and slammed him—throbbing and raw—back to the battle, back to the roof of the hotel and the screams of the monsters now crashing against the shield. He knelt on the ground, hands pressed to his head. The memory pulsed in his ears like a migraine. The visions were becoming stronger. He pushed them down, buried them under Earth.
    He was in charge. Not the Spheres.
    He grabbed his staff from where it had clattered to the ground and pushed himself to standing. He couldn’t trust Water, not now, so he reached his senses deep into Earth and pushed the power out.
    The ground rippled. Just outside the shield, a wave of soil burst up and spilled out, sending Howls and their human slave-drivers stumbling. It was a small act of magic, but Earth sapped him fast. Too fast. His fingers were already shaking. If he used much more, he’d drain himself completely.
    His wasn’t the first attack, but it heralded the maelstrom. Outside the shield, the air turned to fury. Lightning flashed down like spears of angry gods, piercing Howls and necromancers and filling his ears with thunder. More fires raged, these spurred by the powers of his friends, flames hungry for undead flesh. The sky swirled faster as great funnel clouds sank from the heavens and roared across the plains. He could feel the power of his comrades, feel the magic racing through the air as they struggled to hold their ground. It was enough magic to level cities.
    Electric-blue cracks spiked along the shield where Howls threw themselves upon it. He gripped the staff tighter. More cracks shattered, raining sparks down onto the torn asphalt. He waited. If they could just kill off enough…
    Devon gasped.
    The shield above them shattered with the sound of breaking glass, blue sparks raining down like snowflakes. With a resounding scream of triumph, the Howls broke through.
    â€œWhat happened?” Tenn yelled. He ran over to Dreya’s side, to where she cradled her unconscious brother. The town erupted in flames, the earth shaking with magical tremors. This magic, he knew, wasn’t fighting for his side.
    Dreya’s eyes were wide.
    â€œI do not know,” she whispered. “Everything was fine, but then…something just…”
    Devon lay crumpled like a rag doll. His breath was soft, even, but his Spheres were fading. Tenn placed a hand on his shoulder. In that second, Earth told him everything—something had punctured Devon’s Spheres. Air throbbed in Devon’s throat, raw and angry as though he had drawn too much.
    â€œSomeone drained him. He’s been tapped,” Tenn whispered. Someone tried to drain his Spheres .
    She glanced up. Her eyes covered over in shadow.
    Below them, someone screamed. The hotel tilted.
    â€œShit,” Tenn hissed. He ran to the edge and glanced down. Howls filled the streets. He

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