Marked for Love 1
    He began swiveling his hips, slowly at first, but as my moaning increased, he got even more excited, pounding me harder, swiveling faster. The effort caused him to drip with sweat as his hip movements got faster, more rhythmic, and more intense. He was just so huge, so in control, totally dominating my body. I’d never felt such pain and pleasure before.
    The weight of his manly body on top of mine made me feel so safe and secure. It was as if he’d be there to protect me if he needed to; like he’d do anything to keep me safe, as long as I was a good boy and did what I was told.
    And I was more than willing to obey. Anything to be able to enjoy this.
    He pulled out just long enough to turn me over on my back. He brought his hands to either side of my waist and got himself up in a push-up position. In this position, he slipped his cock inside of me again. I could see him better now as my eyes had adjusted, and I saw that handsome face, that tender but masculine face. He looked down at me and caught my stare. He looked at my sweaty face and his hand stroked the side of my cheek. His hair was sweat-soaked and his eyes seemed greener, almost as though they glowed in the dark.
    “I’ve been waiting for you a long time,” he said tenderly. “I’ve been following you.”
    “Following me?” I repeated, perplexed.
    He realized that needed more of an explanation, so he explained. “Since you were 16. That was the first time I smelled you in the woods. I could tell that you weren’t ready then: it wasn’t time. But since then, I have known that you were the one for me. Once I saw you, once I smelled you, I wanted no one and nothing else the same way.”
    I didn’t know what he was talking about, but it all sounded good. He wouldn’t finish playing with me, though, until I fully understood. “You remember that night in the woods, when you were with your father and your brother? You were lost for hours and you called out to them. ‘Jerry! Dad!’ you pleaded.”
    I sat up in a fright. How did he know that? I hadn’t told him that. The memory of that night flashed back to me. I had strayed off the path. I wasn’t paying attention, probably looking down, fuming over why I had to be out here, and when I looked up, I was in a totally unfamiliar part of the woods. I whipped around, hoping to see that Dad or Jerry were behind me, but they weren’t. I had no idea how long I had been walking like that. They may not even know I wasn’t with them. Then, to my right, I saw a man move. He looked just like my dad, so I called out to him and started walking that way. He couldn’t hear me, and he didn’t turn his head, so I called again and started running towards him. Suddenly, he dropped down out of sight and he was gone. When I got to the spot where he should have been, there was nothing but trampled underbrush. Then I panicked. I had gotten even farther away from the trail. Looking behind me, the brush had woven back together as if I hadn’t run through it at all. I cried out for Dad and Jerry over and over, but they couldn’t hear me.
    That was when I heard several bodies moving through the trees, coming towards me. There were low snarls, and it sounded like wolves were converging on me. It happened so quickly and I was so terrified that I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even scream. Several wolves broke through the forest. They were rabid, their eyes were glazed over with lust. I didn’t stand a chance.
    “Then you saw another wolf. You saw me ,” Buck explained, as if he had read the memory right from my face. “You were cornered and I protected you.”
    That was true. There had been another wolf that had jumped in front of the pack. He put himself between me and the rest. He snapped and snarled until the others fled in terror. My wolf must have been the alpha male, and he had claimed his victory.
    “I pinned you down. I had to know you were the one - the one I was waiting for.”
    The wolf had surveyed me with

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