“How long have I been asleep?” Dani croaked.
He reached towards her. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up so that I could get you in the tub. You’ve been asleep since yesterday.”
Dani said nothing as he lifted her up into his arms. He adjusted the sheet so that she was covered and walked into a very large bathroom , then set her down on what seemed to be an out of place love seat and started a bath. “Where am I?”
Mason adjusted the faucets and turned back to her. “We’re at my house. Where else would you be?”
Dani coughed. She still felt horribly lightheaded and her legs and arms ached. “Why would they tie me up in my own basement?”
“Hunters are arrogant bastards that think if they get a tip on someone who is not associated with a pack that they can do whatever they want , ” h e scoffed as the water began to fill.
Dani shivered as she tried to snuggle under the blanket. She was aware of every inch of her body suddenly and even the slightest movement caused pain.
Mason shut off the water and walked over to the chair , then tenderly unwound the sheet from around her and helped her into the tub. She gasped as the heat from the water licked at her wounds and she looked up at him.
“Will you stay with me please , Mason?” Dani felt horribly vulnerable and did not want to be alone.
Mason looked down at her, his expression unreadable for once. “Is that what you truly want?”
Dani gave a small nod. It hurt too much to do anything else. He pulled the tee shirt over his head and slid off his jeans. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
Dani , despite the pain, could not stop the fluttering in her chest as she took in the sight of him. Her nakedness was a non-issue but his was making her tingly. She gave another nod.
Mason got into the tub and very gently pulled her to him until she was resting her back against his chest.
“Thank you.” Dani linked her arms around his neck as he embraced her. His arms felt massive around her body but she felt safe. “Don’t ever let me go.”
“You are in a state of shock. Say that to me again when you are well and I will believe you.” Mason nuzzled against the side of her head while running his hands down her back. “I’m sorry that I left you the other night. I shouldn’t have listened to your words —I should have just stayed .”
Dani shifted in the water so that she could look up at him. “You would have only made it worse.”
Mason traced the outline of the bruise on her neck. “There were reports that other wolves around your town had recently gone missing. I marked you because I didn’t follow through with my original intention.”
Dani turned around so that she was no longer looking at his face. Was he hinting that he really had come there to claim her? “What was your original intention?”
“I was going to invite you to become part of my pack.” Mason leaned down and nuzzled her chin.
“Have you, uh , changed your mind on that?” Dani had gone still. Why had he not mentioned this the other night?
“I guess you could say that.” Mason linked his hand in hers. “Now you will be a part of my pack. I’m not planning to ask your opinion about it. ”
His words held no emotion and Dani turned around again. “What will you do if I refuse to join?”
“There will be no refusal. The only way to keep you safe is for you to be part of the pack . It ' s no longer an option, Dani .”
There was a deep undertone in his voice , but Dani pressed on anyways. “I am not yours, Mason.” Her words were pointed but she could put little emotion behind them due to her current state.
“I said nothing about claiming you, Dani . I am telling you that you will become a part of my pack , ” Mason informed her as she squirmed away from him.
Dani stood up slowly and carefully got out of the tub. She grabbed a towel from the pile and fumed as she dried off. She wanted him to claim her so that she no longer had to think about