Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible

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Book: Read Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible for Free Online
Authors: Jorge Cervantes
Tags: Marijuana Horticulture
than a month to germinate could always be slow and produce less. However, some seeds take longer to germinate even under the best conditions.
    The cask, or outer protective shell, on some seeds never properly seals, which allows moisture and air to penetrate. It alsocauses hormone concentrations to dissipate and make seeds less viable. Permeable seeds signal diseases and pests to move in. Such seeds are immature, white, fragile, and crush easily with slight pressure between finger and thumb. These are weak seeds and do not have enough strength to grow well.

The cutaway drawing in the center shows how the seed will develop into different plant parts.
    Typically, a grower who acquires a bag of ten quality seeds from a reputable seed company germinates them all at once. Once germinated, the seeds are carefully planted and grown to adulthood. By and large, of the ten seeds, some will be male, some will be weak and grow poorly, and two or three seeds will grow into strong, super females. Of these “super” females, one will be more robust and potent than her siblings. This super female is selected to be the mother of countless super clones.
    A simple picture of a seed reveals an embryo containing the genes and a supply of food wrapped in a protective outer coating. Mature seeds that are hard, beige to dark brown, and spotted or mottled have the highest germination rate. Soft, pale, or green seeds are usually immature and should be avoided. Immature seeds germinate poorly and often produce sickly plants. Fresh, dry, mature seeds less than a year old sprout quickly and grow robust plants.


Seeds in this seeded female swell and break open the seed bract
    Cannabis seeds need only water, heat, and air to germinate. They do not need extra hormones to germinate. Seeds sprout without light in a wide range of temperatures. Properly nurtured seeds germinate in two to seven days, in temperatures from 70-90°F (21-32°C). Temperatures above 90°F (32°C)impair germination. At germination, the outside protective shell of the seed splits, and a tiny, white sprout (radicle) pops out. This sprout is the root or taproot. Cotyledon, or seed leaves, emerge from within the shell as they push upward in search of light.
Timeline for germinating seeds
    At 55-72 hours
    Water is absorbed
    Root tip (radicle) is visible
    At 10-14 days
    First roots become visible
    At 21-30 days
    At least half of seeds are rooted by day 21. Seeds not rooted by day 30 will probably grow slowly.
    Once seeds are rooted, cell growth accelerates; stem, foliage, and roots develop quickly. Seedlings develop into full vegetative growth within four to six weeks of germination.
    Seeds are prompted to germinate by:
    Air (oxygen)
    Soaking seeds in water allows moisture to penetrate the protective seed shell within minutes. Once inside, moisture continues to wick in to activate the dormant hormones. In a few days, hormones activate and send enough hormone signals to produce a radicle. The radicle emerges upward to bring a new plant into the world. Once a seed is moist, it must receive a constant flow of moisture to carry nutrients, hormones, and water so that it can carry on life processes. If germinated seeds are allowed to suffer moisture stress now seedling growth will be stunted.
    Cannabis seeds grow best at 78°F (25°C).
    Low temperatures delay germination.
    High temperatures upset seed chemistry causing poor germination.
    Seeds germinate best under the native conditions where they were grown.
    Once germinated, move seedlings to a slightly cooler growing area, and increase light levels. Avoid high temperatures and low light levels, which cause lanky growth.
Air (oxygen)
    Seeds need air to germinate. Moist, soggy growing mediums will cut off oxygen supplies and the seed will literally drown. Seeds germinate poorly when planted too deeply. Tender seedlings do not have sufficient stored energy to drive through deep

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