Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife
away getting between him and
Ben. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
    The past six
months riled through my like a volcano waiting to blast out its
lava. He had no right to come in here and start barking orders,
saying who could and couldn’t touch me.
jaw ticked. “We’ll talk in private, Victoria.”
    I shook my
head and moved away from him. I needed to get away from him. That
close to his body, I could smell his aftershave wafting up my
nostrils, making my body warm up against my will. “I don’t fucking
think so. I think it would be better if you just left now,
    Yeah leave and
never come back. That was good.
    “No, he can’t
go.” Ben shouted a bit too high. His cheeks flushed ruddy as he
shifted on the spot. “I mean Mr. Blackwell is here for
    “What?” I
shouted this time. He had to be joking. “You’re doing business with
him?” I asked incredulously.
    Ben nodded as
his brows furrowed. “Mr. Blackwell is renewing a contract.”
    Oh hell to the
freaking no.
    I span around
on the spot and threw my hands up in the air. “This can’t be
happening.” I shrieked as I stomped down the corridor. The guards
and people who had gathered moved out of my way, watching me as if
I were a mad woman just about to lose it. “He can’t just come in
here and do business with us.”
    “It’s not your
business, Victoria.” Conrad put in.
    I stopped mid
stomp and turned back to him, my finger came out and poked him in
the chest. “Listen to me buster; you do not want to do business
with him. He is trouble with a capital t.”
Conrad said simply as his big shoulders shrugged. “We need his
business and well...”
    My head was
already moving back and fourth with a shake. “Conrad.” I said
slowly. “We don’t need his business.” Hell, I didn’t need to be
dealing with Sebastian on a daily basis.
    “We do.”
    “We do.” He
repeated through clenched teeth.
already.” Ben shouted and marched his way down the corridor,
getting in between me and Conrad. He was big enough to as well.
“You, Victoria are the receptionist; you have no say on who we hire
or who we take up contracts with. You know your job and right now,
you’re overstepping your mark.”
    Hurt rushed
through me like a vacuum. Yeah, I’d only worked for them for five
and half months but during that time, we’d all got along really
well. We’d gone out for after work drinks and I’d been introduced
to their parents, Bob and Marie Brewster. I’d met the people who
they’d been dating and had dinner with them and they’d helped me by
giving me a job to get out of the depressed stupor I was in. Now,
Ben was telling me I was overstepping the mark because of
    There was only
one thing I could do.
    “Fine,” I said
quietly. “I quit.”
    It hurt like
hell and stung like a bitch to say those words but I would do it
and both men knew it.
    Ben sucked in
a quick breath and Conrad groaned as he rubbed his eyes. “Now wait
a God damned minute, Victoria. Think about this.”
nothing to think about, Ben.” I said as I began to back up. “You do
business with him.” I pointed at Sebastian. “Then there’s no place
here for me.”
Sebastian said in that voice as he began to approach me.
    I held my
hands up but he pushed into them, invading my space. Obviously, he
ignored me and kept on coming at me.
    This close to
him, I could smell his aftershave more prominently, his blue eyes
boring into my hazel ones, the smoothness of his face that I
remembered as if it were yesterday, those lips of his bowing on a
pout and that little indent in his chin.
    I squeezed my
eyes closed and felt my body sag. “Please go away, Sebastian.” I
wished quietly.
    “No.” He
whispered and wrapped his arms around me; the smell of hazelnut
tickled my nose as he led me down the corridor. He pushed open
doors until he found the room he was

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