Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha

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Book: Read Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha for Free Online
Authors: John Romaniello
foundation of greatness. Followers don’t become leaders and rise to the top. It’s the people who are willing to voice their ideas—even when they are unusual or radical—who get heard.
    Confidence is what allows you to step out of your comfort zone and take risks, whether it’s speaking up at work or starting your own business or going after the girl you want. Confidence is what helps you develop the courage. If you’re never willing to take a risk, you have almost no shot of building anything worth mentioning. There are no statues built of those who lived lives of mediocrity, and on the tomb of no heroes will you find the words, “He played it safe.”
    Lacking confidence? A boost in your natural testosterone production is what you need. More testosterone literally changes your mind-set from a physiological standpoint. You’ll believe in yourself. You’ll have confidence. And you’ll find that you have a harder time not voicing your opinions and stepping up. And that’s why we’re going to show you every single way to naturally elevate your testosterone levels, so you can walk through life brazenly, like an Alpha should.
    7. Boobs Instead of Pecs
    Listen, you produce estrogen. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s a part of life. Estrogen is the yin to your testosterone’s yang.
    The real issue is that you’re probably producing much more estrogen than you should be. And that extra estrogen can have some pretty depressing side effects. How depressing? How about man-boobs?
    Men love boobs—just not on their own body.
    And while we wish push-ups and bench presses would fix the problem, they won’t. Trust us. They’re what every guy with “moobs” is trying right now, and they’re not working.
    You can grow a beard or a manly mustache, but if you have moobs, it’s hard to feel like a guy when you look like a chick.
    In the mildest of cases, moobs are simply localized fat storage influenced by your estrogen. In the worst cases, you’ll end up with something called gynecomastia. This is where your problem goes beyond fat that can be lost. With gynecomastia, it’s a change in tissue. The fat attaches itself to your mammary glands and can only be removed by surgery. You obviously don’t want that.
    This is not meant to be depressing. It’s a useful realization because you can kill the problem while it’s still mild. Your fix is the training and diet that you’ll find in part 3. These programs will minimize your estrogen production and boost testosterone to ward off any unwanted side effects. Combine that with dietary changes that will keep you away from estrogen-producing foods, and you’ll be feeling and looking like more of a man.
    8. Men Turned into Boys
    The negative effects of high estrogen aren’t just limited to confidence and appearance. Let’s take it a step farther. A lack of testosterone or a surplus of estrogen can strongly impact your general psychological and emotional states.
    The idea of being weepy, whiny, or wussy probably isn’t appealing to you. And we’re not talking about how you feel when you watch Brian’s Song . (If you don’t well up during that, you have no heart.) But if, like most guys, you don’t have your estrogen under control, you’re headed toward a life of tears.
    Your high estrogen will affect you emotionally, screwing with you on every level. Joking aside, this isn’t about crying at Hallmark commercials—it’s about a serious hormonal imbalance that can affect things from basic decision making to depression and thoughts of suicide. In fact, according to researchers in Australia, men with low testosterone and high estrogen are three times more likely to suffer from depression.
    9. Fertility Issues
    As humans, procreation is one of our strongest drives. It’s a point of pride: you are not only the sum of your life’s work—you are also reflected by your offspring. And you directly impact and influence the lives of the humans you create.

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