photography of "foo-fighters" and interview pilots who had seen them.
    I was looking for possible earlier instances of contact that might tell us more about the motives and intentions of our strangers.
    1947: We were the victors. We had telephones and radar and DC-4's, with DC-6's just beginning to appear.
    We had Good Humor bars and weather balloons. We had captured German V-2 rockets. We had Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer. We had the atomic bomb, and there were bigger bombs on the way.
    We were lost in the dark and didn't know it.
    The world went on, swathed in that beauty you can never quite touch, the beauty of a radio's voice drifting through the evening, of a woman waiting in a bed, the smell of bourbon at three A.M., of swimming in a dark pool, of watching children sleep. . . .
    But there was also something else. There was that field near the tiny hamlet of Maricopa, New Mexico, and what was in that field.
    It was there that the others waited. And not for some abstraction like mankind or the nation. They waited for each one of us individually - for me, for you, and for each trembling child.
    In time each of us, every one, will face them.
    In due time.
    July 8, 1947
    Prepared by Office of Research and Analysis, Central Intelligence Group Copy 1
    of 2
    The purpose of this estimate is to assess the motives of possible nonhuman beings piloting so-called "flying disks ."
    From June 1947 there has been a dramatic increase in the sighting of "flying disks" in the United States, primarily in the Western states. On 24 June Mr.
    Kenneth Arnold, a fire-appliance salesman, took off from Chehalis Airport in Washington State to assist in the search for a Marine Air Transport C-46 that had disappeared in the Cascade Mountains. Mr. Arnold observed nine disk-shaped objects "skipping" through the air at a relatively high velocity. Over subsequent weeks there have been a large number of similar sightings, the best documented of which took place on July 4 . A United Airlines DC-3
    passenger-type aircraft was passed by nine disks while flying over Idaho on a flight to Seattle, Washington. Both pilots and nineteen passengers observed the disks, which were described as being larger than the aircraft.
    These and other sightings may possibly be related to the sightings that have been reported consistently since 1946 by B-29 crew on transarctic missions.
    Photographs have been made, usually with gun cameras or ground reconnaissance cameras that suggest an intention on the part of the pilots of the devices to allow observation and/or photography to take place. Other objects are weather balloons distorted by a combination of wind and pressure effects at high altitude, flocks of birds reflecting the sun from their wings while flying in close formation, and clouds smoothed by wind.
    Because of the substantial number of confirmed sightings and photographs, this estimate of the possible intentions of the craft occupants has been prepared.
    It is possible that there is a relationship between a number of unsolved cases of disappearance and possible flying-disk activity, and that the flying disks could represent an extremely provocative and quite unusual phenomenon involving the permanent abduction of citizens into unknown conditions in a subterranean, undersea or outer space context. Should the occupants of the disks increase their level of activity, as it now seems apparent that they will, it is probable that the population will be terrorized, should large-scale disappearances occur and become known. The revelation that the government is helpless to act would then lead to public panic and a permanent loss of governmental credibility.
    Detailed Analysis
    This analysis will cover a number of cases of an unusual nature that appear to be related to the presence of strange nocturnal lights and/or flying-disk activity.
    At 3 :15 on the morning of

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