Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series)

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Book: Read Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series) for Free Online
Authors: Madison Daniel
The girl grabbed the paper with a scream, and the group of girls ran off delighted.
    “Show off,” I said, and punched his arm. He laughed, lightly.
    We both made our way towards the familiar patch of grass where Roland and Morgan waited. I figured I’d share the exciting news of my day...well, some of the news.
    “So, you’re not going to believe what happened,” I bragged.
    “What?” Taylor asked, with his eyebrow raised.
    “I did it. I talked to her.”
    “Olivia?” he gasped.
    “You finally found your nerve?” he laughed, aloud. “It only took you four years!”
    “Shut up!” I turned red. “Her band is playing tonight. We’re all going,” I insisted.
    “We are?” he asked, testing me. The twins walked up, Roland with a smile and Morgan wearing a pout. I pulled from my back pocket the folded up flier and handed it to Roland. I followed it up with a confidant wink.
    He snatched up the paper with a loud cheer. “Unbelievable! You did it! You finally did it!”
    “It was amazing, Ro, we bumped into each other in the auditorium. She even knew my name!” I said. Morgan’s eyes rolled around in her head just long enough to look away from Taylor and find my goofy grin.
    “See, I told you, Luc. You could do it. You just needed the right push,” Morgan said, as fact.
    “Thanks, Mo,” I smiled.
    “No biggie. After all, she’s just a girl,” she said, and then found Taylor’s eyes again.
    “Just a girl?” I mocked.
    “Uh oh,” Taylor mumbled.
    “And a strange one at that,” Roland added. I knew he was just giving me a hard time, but it still hurt a little. Why were the Saint twins ganging up on me? And before I could stand up for myself, Morgan came to my rescue.
    “Be nice, little brother. He can’t help it,” Morgan warned, softly. “I know how that feels...” she mumbled, even softer. I think I was the only one who heard her. Her yearning eyes found Taylor’s again. He returned her glance, puzzled. She blushed.
    “Don’t get me wrong,” Roland continued. “She’s absolutely gorgeous, but what’s with the dark and gloomy vibe?” Roland motioned with his hand and pointed across the football field. I turned to find Olivia exiting the school, guitar in hand and a sulk in her step. My mouth fell open.
    “She’s an artist, Ro. She has a deep soul. She’s real...” I drifted off. Roland and his sister shared a goofy smile with each other. They had been witness to my crush for too long. I ignored them and took a tiny step toward her, ready to call out her name across the grass. She was much too far away to hear me, but I didn’t care. My right hand began to tingle and I glanced down to see the spinning fireflies under my skin again. Quickly, I shoved both of my hands in my back pockets. Roland watched me as if I was insane.
    “Lucas, I love you like a brother, but’re strange,” he laughed.
    I smiled, “So I have been told.”
    Olivia walked across the parking lot as a bundle of questions entered my mind. Did I really make an impression on her today? Did she find me annoying? A thousand what ifs haunted me. She paced back and forth, circling the parking lot. Whoever she was waiting on was obviously running late. Even from this distance, I could tell she was not happy about it. Maybe I should call out to her...maybe just a wave.
    “Earth to Lucas. Hey brother, can you hear me?” Taylor snapped his fingers in front of my face.
    “He’s lost, Tay. We’ll never get him back. Not today. Especially not tonight,” Roland joked, from behind me.
    “Be nice you two,” Morgan warned, politely.
    With a loud screech of its tires, a weathered sports car slid into the parking lot. It was dark gray and idling loudly. Whoever was behind the wheel honked the horn twice. BEEP! BEEP! Olivia looked annoyed with the driver, but slowly reached out for the car door. I stepped forward, forgetting my friends completely. If only she would look my way, turn

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