Love On The Brazos

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Book: Read Love On The Brazos for Free Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
myself or Hank.”
    “Sounds like a real smart person doesn’t he?”
    “Yes he does, and I think he is.”
    “So you’re going to keep seeing him I gather?”
    “Yes, if he keeps asking.  I need to get to work; I still have a few things to pull together.  I’m meeting with the bank on Wednesday.  Want to go?”
    “No, you do it.  Like you said, this is your baby.”
    * * *
    Michael called the next morning.  “Jordy, you ride don’t you?”
    “I’m an Aggie, and I live on a ranch.  Of course I ride.  You have something in mind?”
    “Mom and Dad’s place has some great riding trails along the river.  Would you like to try them out?”
    “Sure, but I’m going to have to hit it hard Monday and Tuesday.  I’m meeting with the evil money changers Wednesday, and I have to be ready.”
    “Are you sure you don’t want my help.  I know what they look for.”
    “Thanks, Michael, but I’ve got to do this for myself.  You want to pick me up or do you want to meet somewhere?”
    “Let me give you directions, and you meet me at the ranch at ten or does that make you get up too early?”
    “Ten will be fine.  See you then.”
    She took the directions and looked them up on Google Earth.  It would be easy to find.  She put the directions on the dresser where she wouldn’t forget them.
    She met Michael and his parents the next morning before their ride.  Sure enough, Michael’s dad knew who her grandfather was.  It was like old home week.  She told them, “I’m Papaw’s only grandchild.  My Dad was an only son.”
    They were both dressed for riding.  Michael was wearing boot cut jeans, and a white Stetson.  Jordy had jeans and an embroidered cowgirl shirt with snaps instead of buttons.  She also had a white Stetson with a light blue hat band.  They rode out at a trot.  Michael saw that she sat comfortably on her mount so he quit worrying she might fall.  At times, they dropped the reins and let the horses drift along where ever they wanted. 
    Michael’s mother had packed a picnic lunch for them.  “That was nice of your mother,” she said.
    “Mom’s my best girl,” he said.
    “I thought I was,” she said with a pouting expression.
    “Oh you are, right after Mom.” 
    “Well, I didn’t know you were a mama’s boy she said.”
    “You have made this past week very enjoyable, Michael.”
    “Do I hear a ‘but’ coming?”
    “Not from me,” she said.  “I just wanted you to know I have really enjoyed our times together.”  They pulled up to a stand of cottonwood trees and dismounted.  Michael tied the horses to a bush, and they sat in the shade.  He draped an arm across her shoulders and moved closer to her.  He leaned over and kissed her softly.  “Mmm, you taste good,” he said.  He kissed her again, with more passion.  Her lips parted, and he moved his tongue over hers.  He explored her mouth from within, pulled back and traced around the edges of her lips with his fingers.
    She wrapped her arms about his neck and initiated a soul warming kiss.  This was followed by slow shivery kisses.  She felt her knees weaken and shifted her position so her head was against his chest.  He dropped his hand to her breast.  She had a burning sensation through her shirt and bra.  With his fingers, he unsnapped one of the snaps and moved his hand to the smooth, tender skin of her breast.  She had a sharp intake of breath and covered his hand with hers.  He kissed her with an intensity that left her mouth burning. 
    Abruptly, he withdrew his hand and looked into her sparkling blue eyes.  “I don’t want to mess this up by moving too fast.  I think we have the makings of something special here.”
    “What a gallant thing to say.  Thank you.  I do too, and I was not offended.”
    “All the same, let’s be heading back, it’s

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