Love Is for Tomorrow
treating Kate almost like a daughter. She saw things in her, that she would like to see in her own daughters, but didn’t. They would be taking another career path, which was fine. But Rose saw in Kate, how she was at that age. “It’s also good to get away. What else happened today?”
    They walked up the Gloriette hill, toward a triumph monument and a coffee shop. Rose was looking forward to having a coffee there and watch the reflections on the surface of the duck pool, a clear sky with cotton clouds afar. Rose enjoyed mentoring young promising females. It was also a welcome break from running operations and intelligence gathering.
    Chatting with Kate reminded her of what it must have felt like for Lance, when she asked him for advice.
    “We’re always sent in when it’s already too late,” he had said at a dinner party when Rose was about to leave MI5. “It would be good, if instead of fixing it, we could prevent it. ”
    That sentence stuck with Rose. It was the reason she joined Lance to form a deep black program, known only to a select few as the The Agency which Lance nicknamed the United Nations Intelligence - UNI.
    “One thing struck me as odd”, Kate said. “I was bringing a Russian representative, Olga Kovalenko, to her hotel. She was on the phone with her father. I guess she thought that I don’t speak Russian. She said that something will happen at a wedding, that she would do something to make her father proud. Prevent the wedding from happening, once some Tanya tells her where it’s going to be.”
    Rose almost choked on her coffee.
    “Is everything alright?” Kate asked.
    “Yes, yes,” Rose replied. It wasn’t. Tanya, the name of her nemesis - even if unconfirmed - startled her.
    “I have no idea what it’s about, but thought I would share it with you,” Kate added. “ I don’t think they meant a normal wedding.”
    “No, it’s good that you told me,” Rose said.
    “I don’t know which Tanya she was talking about,” Kate said.
    “Me neither,” Rose said, although she had one in mind. Tanya Sharipova, a ghost haunting her dreams for years. “Did they mention a date or the bride’s name?”
    Kate tried to recall. Her mind was sharp as a razor edge, that much had Rose learned. If there was something she didn’t remember, it was only because it hadn’t been mentioned.
    “The bride’s name is Nadia.”
    Rose nodded. She feared that. Nadia is not a person. It is a code. The same as wedding.
    “Rose I Googled the words to see what they mean. It could be a wedding or ‘wedding’ could mean a terror attack and ‘bride’ - a bom b.”
    Rose didn’ t reply right away. Kate was smart and resourceful. She did not want to get her involved but if any of what she heard was true then she had to know. 
    “Listen, if you can do me a favor, Kate.”
    “Sure, anything.”
    “Good,” she said. “Try to find out where Olga is going and when she is going to meet her contact.”
    “You mean Tanya?”
    “Yes. Another favor. Don’t ever mention her. It’s actually best if you try to forget what you heard at all. The less you know, the better for you.”
    “No buts,” Rose said instantly. The last agent she had investigating Tanya was found in a duffel bag in his own house. If this Tanya turned out to be Tanya Sharipova, it meant Rose’s nemesis had awoken.
    Rose belied the threat with a disarming smile.
    “I just want to play it safe,” she said.
    “I can help you, that’s all.”
    Rose stifled a laugh at Kate’s honesty. She also feared for Kate’s safety.
    “I know,” Rose said. She touched the back of her head and ruffed through her curled hair. “You can. And you will.”
    Rose took a sip of coffee and smiled before she continued. “I have some calls to make. You will hear from me soon and I hope to have some answers for you.” 

    “Know yourself. Know your enemy. Know no fear.”

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