Love Heals All

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Book: Read Love Heals All for Free Online
Authors: Addie McKenna
Autumn! She sounds just like you guys!” She smiled at us and gave us yet another hug.
    â€œWell, we have to go, but text us later, Aly! See you later, girly!” Shae and I said in unison.
    â€œDid you notice she looked exactly like Bart?” Shae asked.
    â€œI know. It’s scary,” I replied, deep in thought while we walked to meet our beloved boyfriends and best friends.
    End of Flashback
    Now I’m here waiting for my bags with my extremely handsome boyfriend. I look over at him and just smile.
    â€œWhat?” he asks, looking over at me, then kissing my cheek.
    â€œNothing. Just thinking,” I said, and looked back at the baggage thingy.
    When Shaelyn and I got our bags, we headed out to the car. The car didn’t have enough seats, so Shae and I had to sit on Daniel’s and Nash’s laps, and Carter had to sit on Bart’s lap. Ahh, I love their bromance!
    We finally got to the hospital after an awful car ride consisting of paper ball fights, a stop at Taco Bell, lots of social media, and too much yelling.
    We walked in and took the elevators up to Autumn’s room. Since she’s in the Children’s Ward, we had to pass a lot of sick children. They all looked unhappy and sad, but one stood out. She looked so sad and in such pain, I wished I could help her poor self.
    Anyway, we reached Autumn’s room and saw Autumn, Hayes, and Skylynn sleeping. Aww, they were so cute! I saw all the guys smile and aww at them.
    It was nice to see everyone happy again.

    Bailey, Shaelyn, and I got to talking, and I could tell we were going to be really good friends. I already think of them as my sisters. They told me about a girl they met in the airport today—Alyssa. She seemed really sweet and nice. They showed me a picture of her, and she’s drop-dead gorgeous and looks exactly like Bart. They look like they could be twins, if she was older.
    Bailey told me what she knew about Alyssa’s past, about how she just moved into her eighth foster home and how she’s been in foster homes her entire life, but she never said why. Apparently, they stood together for a while in the airport and just talked; their conversation was mostly about things from Alyssa’s past. I feel so bad for her, and I really want to help.
    She also told me about the girl they passed in the hallway. I told her that that was Callie; she’s five years old and has leukemia, and she’s been in and out of the hospital her entire life. Callie is Skylynn’s best friend in the hospital, and they always play together in the playroom down the hall. She’s the sweetest girl you will meet, even though she’s the most depressed. I know you might think, How can a five-year-old be depressed? Try having leukemia and losing your dad at five years old. Yeah, it’s probably not the best feeling in the world.
    â€œDo you wanna go visit her?” I asked Bailey and Shaelyn.
    â€œOf course we want to visit her! She seems like such a nice little girl, and she’s had such a tough past. I really want to help!” Shaelyn said.
    â€œOkay, we can go right now. Hey, Sky, do you want to go see Callie?” I asked Skylynn, who was on the floor playing with her dolls with Hayes.
    â€œYES, PLEASE, LET’S GO! COME ON!” she yelled, already running out of the room. We laughed, and Shaelyn and Bailey got out of their chairs while I just stayed in bed.
    â€œWhat are you waiting for? Aren’t you coming with us?” Bailey asked. I was shocked. Why would they want me to come? I’m only an annoying thirteen-year-old who gets in the way of everything and everyone’s life. I’m a wasted breath of fresh air.
    â€œAre you sure you want me to come?” I asked, skeptical.
    â€œWell, duh! You’re like my little sister now, Autumn. Shae and I want you to come, right, Shae?” Bailey said, looking at Shaelyn.
    â€œYeah, you’re like the little sister

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