Love Gone
    “Get the fuck out of here you bitch,”
Faith screamed at her. “Why are you doing this to us?”
    Even as she screamed it she knew it
didn’t matter. Maybe this crazy father and daughter duo waited for
a reason to attack, no matter how small, or maybe it was random,
they’d target anyone who made eye contact with them on a bad day.
Maybe their minor accident had set them off in some deep disturbed
    She had no way of knowing what had
really started this psychotic time bomb ticking, but that didn’t
mean she wanted this crazy teenager staring at her while she fought
for her life. She might not be able to keep the father out, but she
sure as hell wasn’t going to roll over and play dead for the
daughter, a girl barely older than her own son.
    With a grunt she pushed the dresser in
front of the door. God bless this old house she thought. The door
was cracking, but it was withstanding a lot of abuse. It was
holding on. It would take that monster a little effort to really
knock it down. And the dresser should help. It should buy us some
    The door blocked for now she lunged,
screaming, at the window. She flew at Emily who stood there staring
at her a moment in shock. It was clear the girl hadn’t expected her
to fight back so viciously. Had she really expected Faith to just
sit back and let her and her psychotic father to ruin her life by
hurting the only people she loved?
    Her hands and arms were outstretched
almost without her realizing it. They were like two arrows bound
for Emily’s neck, her heart, her eyes. Anything they could hurt or
strike at they would. Her hands were weapons, fueled by adrenaline
and rage.
    She reached through the broken window,
just as Emily turned and started to run. With a primal scream Faith
leaped out the window the way that Liam had done bare minutes
before and with a cry fell into the snow and ice below. She twisted
her ankle standing up, but she barely felt the sharp stab of pain
as she lurched to her feet and started to run around the house
after Emily.
    She couldn’t think what had happened
to Mac inside. Couldn’t pause to wonder what would happen when
Emily’s father managed to come through the bedroom door. At this
moment all of her fear and hatred and disbelief at the horrific
turn of events was concentrated on one person. Emily. She raced
across the yard screaming her name, “Emily!”
    Out of the corner of her eye she could
see the front door opening across the street and next door. Her
neighbors were coming out onto their porches, eyes wide with shock
at the site of her running screaming in her yard. Finally they had
responded to the commotion. What had they thought was going on
behind closed doors of her home when they had been doing battle
with the crazy man? Domestic violence? Were they just trying to
stay out of it? Well, welcome to the party she thought.
    “Help!” She cried loudly, “We’re being
attacked. Call 911! Call 911!”
    She shouted and screamed, standing
still finally now, appealing to her shocked innocent neighbors
where they stood in their doorways and windows. Was the whole
street at alert now?
    Farther down the block she heard Liam
cry, “Mom! I called the police. Are you okay? Where’s
    Relieved she turned in his direction
and drank in the sight of him standing in the brightly lit doorway
of their favorite neighbor, Mr. Jackson. Bill Jackson was a big
man; a logger, and as such he was even rougher and tougher than her
own husband. She could see him now coming out from behind Liam
clutching his rifle and coming down the street at a run. Finally
some help!
    It seemed like finding it had taken
hours, but she supposed it had only been minutes since Liam had
knocked on Bill’s door and told him what was happening. She
wouldn’t be bitter that she and Mac had had to wait for this help.
She only knew that she needed to find Mac now. His absence was
confusing and frightening. She couldn’t face the thought of what

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