Love For Hire

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Book: Read Love For Hire for Free Online
Authors: Anna Marie May
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
so spoiled.

    “Where are we going?” he asked.

    “There’s this new trendy place over at Harrison Boulevard,” Matt answered.

    “Ah,” Jayden agreed as if he knew what Matt was talking about. A thought occurred to him. “How are we going to explain my sudden appearance in your life?”

    “Keep it simple,” Matt answered. “Don’t offer any explanation. Just present people with the facts.”

    The plan was so simple it might actually work. Still, he would feel better if something with a little bit more backbone were in play, but then again, was it really his problem? If Matt was fine with this skeleton of a plan, then so was he.

    Eventually, they pulled into a parking lot. Jayden was thankful it was a nice sunny day as it gave him the excuse to put on his brand-new shades. His eyes could give away too much, and he figured staring like a wide-eyed country bumpkin at everything wouldn’t help him play his role convincingly at all.

    The other cars in the parking lot were shiny and probably expensive too. When they walked up to the front door of Marina’s Heaven, Matt’s chosen lunch place, a hostess greeted them with a big smile.

    Matt only nodded in greeting, and Jayden followed his lead.

    Matt’s demeanor was pleasant, friendly even, but even though they had just met, Jayden could tell the smile never reached his eyes. Matt was guarded all the time, and maybe it took someone like Jayden, someone who had faced abuse and pain up close, to recognize coping mechanisms when he saw them. Something dark and ugly was twisting Matt up inside, and maybe, if the blond let him, Jayden could offer some help. Or maybe not.

    What made Jayden think Matt was going to open up to him of all people? Surely the man had friends and family who would be much better suited to this task than a random stranger.

    How no one else had spotted the pain lurking beneath the laughing face was beyond him, but then maybe Matt was just good at pretending not to have a care in the world. Or, a more sobering thought, maybe Matt actually didn’t have anyone in his life who cared enough to try and look beneath the pretty surface.

    Even though the restaurant was clearly busy, the hostess didn’t even blink an eye when Matt requested a table on the veranda, and moments later they were led outside. Jayden kept his head low, wondering if the hostess had displaced other people in order to get them a table. Matt’s callous attitude was grating, but then again, money talked, and maybe he simply didn’t know any better.

    The sunshine was welcome after the rainy days of recent weeks, but when they sat down, Jayden was glad for the sunscreens that allowed for some shade.

    “We’ll have two beers and the cheeseburger with extra fries.” Matt’s voice broke through his lazy thoughts.

    Jayden pushed his glasses down, peeking over the rim and staring at the man.

    Matt simply smiled at him, as if he hadn’t just ordered Jayden’s meal without consulting him first, and he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from telling him off. He might have been poor, but he most certainly was able to order for himself! The audacity of the man to assume he knew what Jayden wanted! That Jayden had actually wanted to order the same thing was of no consequence at all. Principle was at stake here!

     “And bring us some extra onions,” Matt added, “on the side.”

    Matt put the menu down and nodded when the waitress took it away. “You like burgers, right?”

    Now he asked?

    Jayden glared, his eyes showing over the rim of his glasses, but with a huff, he pushed his glasses back up his nose.

    Matt snorted. So, the man wasn’t as oblivious as he liked to pretend.

    Jayden reached out to pour himself some water when a sudden sharp pain in his side had him hissing. His hand snapped back and he gently held his side, as if putting his fingers on it would magically make the pain go away.

    “Here,” Matt said, pulling something out his pocket. “I’ve

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