Lost Dreams

Read Lost Dreams for Free Online

Book: Read Lost Dreams for Free Online
Authors: Jude Ouvrard
answer it.
    ''Carter... Carter!" I screamed, holding the phone tightly.
    "Baby girl, I know it's the middle of the night for you. I'm so sorry."
    "Don't be sorry, I’m so happy to hear your voice. I've missed it so much."
    "I've missed yours, too." I heard the relief in his voice at finally making contact.
    My heart was beating so fast, I could feel pulsing throughout my whole body. I wanted to ask him tons of questions but I couldn’t find the right words. "How is it over there?"
    "It's as good as can be expected. We aren’t at the same camp where we used to be. Some guys were ambushed when I got here a couple of days ago, but everyone's fine now." I heard the anxiety in his voice, he sounded nervous.
    “Thanks for asking Megan to look after me. We're hanging out almost every day."
    "Great. That’s good news baby, you need friends and some girly times. In fact, it was Remy's idea."
    "How is he doing?" He chuckled and I knew what he meant. "Same as usual, I guess."
    "He's good. Same old Remy, making sure everyone's happy."
    "Are you?" I asked him. "Are you happy, baby?"
    "I am every time I think of you, but this deployment is definitely harder."
    It broke my heart to hear him say it. "Be strong, Carter, you have to be. Do what you have to do, work hard like you always do and next thing you know, we'll be together again. You and me."
    "God, I miss you."
    I couldn’t hold back the tears. I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t cry, but hearing his voice was simply too overwhelming for me. "Me too." My voice broke. "I’m sorry. I don’t want to cry but it's stronger than me.”
    "Nobody's stronger than you." He paused and sighed heavily. "I have to go now, baby. I love you, Avery. You should receive some letters soon."
    "I've written you letters, too." I blew him a kiss before I told him how much I loved him and the line was severed.
    "Damn it," I cried and sat up in the bed. For the longest time, my sobs were the only sound in the house. Even if the weather was over ninety degrees, I had the shivers. I'd waited so long for this call, I'd wanted it to be a happy moment, so why was I crying? I took a couple of deep breaths to regain control of my emotions.
    It had only been fifteen minutes since I heard Carter's voice and the sun was far from rising, but I couldn’t sleep anymore. I had an urge to do something physical, so I changed into my sport gear and went outside for a long run.
    I listened to my iPod as I ran. The Doors, Britney Spears, Johnny Cash; my taste in music varied with my mood and my collection included every genre and thousands of songs. My thoughts were all over the place. I was happy because I had finally been able to talk to Carter but at the same time, I couldn’t get over the fact that he'd sounded more confident when we were over there together.
    I decided to write him a letter to help motivate him again. I made up my mind that I was going to do everything in my power to give him the strength he needed to get through this tour of duty.
    I ran and ran until I couldn’t feel my legs. The neighborhood was peaceful, it was so different than the usual bustle of the streets during the day. When I returned home, it was still dark outside and I felt tired enough to go back to sleep. My body was covered in sweat and my hair were plastered to my scalp, so I took a quick shower and fell into bed.
    C arter,
    This is the first letter that I've written since I got your call. Please know that I don’t care what time it is when you call, the fact that I can hear your voice is the best gift you can give me. I was so happy to finally hear from you. It was the sweetest sound I'd heard since you left. I miss you so much.
    I just wanted to tell you that I know what you're going through, baby, because I am too. I know how hard it is to be over there, but you have to give it your everything or you'll regret it. The guys need you and your strategies. They need your jokes, the good ones and the bad ones. Be the

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