carefully, shampoo provided for them, then, dripping, their flesh steaming, walked to one of the steaming tubs.
Here the water was even hotter, making Tomkin cringe. They discovered niches within the walls of the tub so that they could sit with just their heads out of the water. Tomkin’s face was red, beads of sweat rolling freely down his cheeks. He found that if he moved it made the heat intolerable. Nicholas’ eyes were closed, his body relaxed. There was no sound save the soft, hypnotic lapping of the wavelets their own bodies created in languid movements within the bath. The tiled walls were stippled with moisture.
Tomkin put his head back against the wood, stared up at the Sato triple wheel. “When I was a kid,” he said, “I remember I hated to take a bath. I don’t know why. Didn’t think it was manly or something. There was a fag kid in school always smelled like he’d come from the bath. Jesus, I hated him. Beat his brains out one day after class.” His chest moved up and down slowly with his breath.
“I thought, you know, that it’d make me some kind of hero with the other kids, but it didn’t.” His voice lapsed for a moment before resuming. The drip of the water was like a metronome. “I remember my father coming after me, throwing me into the tub, scrubbing me with that kind of powdered cleanserAjax or something. It hurt like hell, I can tell you. ‘Cry,’ he said. I can just hear his voice. ‘It’ll do you a world of good,’ he said. ‘Tomorrow you’ll take a bath on your own so I won’t have to clean you this way again.’
“Yes.” Tomkin nodded. “My father certainly taught me the wisdom of keeping clean.” He closed his eyes for a moment as if picturing the scene all over again.
Nicholas looked at him and thought of his dead friend. Lew Croaker had been so certain that Tomkin had had Angela Didion murdered. That obsession had a peculiarly Japanese flavor to it because it sprang from Croaker’s blind obedience to the dictates of the law. “Nick,” his friend had once told him, “I don’t give a rat’s ass what Angela Didion did or what her rep was. She was a human being, just like all us slobs. What I’m doing… Well, I figure it’s something she deserves. If she can’t get justice, then no one at all deserves it.”
What Croaker termed justice Nicholas knew as honor. Croaker knew where his duty lay and he had died in that pursuit. It was a samurai’s death, Nicholas knew that very well, but it somehow did not ease the sadness that welled up in him in odd quiet moments or erase the emptiness he felt inside him, as if a vital part of him had been abruptly severed.
“Nick, you and Craig Allonge get along well.” Tomkin was speaking of the company’s chief financial operations officer. “You know that 1 rely on him a great deal. Besides me, he knows more about the real running of Tomkin Industries than anyone. He’s close to its heart.” If Tomkin was trying to make a point, he did not finish. Instead, he seemed to veer onto a tangent. “Craig’s going through a particularly hard time now. He’s moved out of his house. He and his wife aren’t quite seeing eye to eye since she told him about her lover.”
Tomkin moved involuntarily and sucked in his breath with the searing heat. “It’s a helluva situation. Craig told me he wanted to move into a hotel in town, but I wouldn’t hear of it. He’s staying with me until he decides what to do. I told him I’d help him with the divorce if that’s what he wanted. I’ll also pay for a counselor if he thinks there’s any chance of a reconciliation.” He closed his eyes. “But, more important for the moment, he needs a real friend. I’m his boss; I can’t be his friend, too, not in this way. You like him, and I know he thinks the world of you. And you know the real meaning of friendship.”
Nicholas settled back in the scalding water, thinking, Westerners are so unpredictable. They bluster one minute,
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane