"What's so great about...me?"
"Oh, baby, you have to know that you are absolutely gorgeous, and so goddamn sexy. Now that I've seen you naked, no other woman even comes close." Hell, I want to own every fuckin’ inch of this magnificent body straddlin’ mine and make her come apart over and over again until she surrenders it all to me.
"Seriously?" she asks with a disbelievin’ tilt of her head.
"Yeah. Actually, I was hopin’ you would be hideously ugly in person and a complete bitch, so that my obsession with you would end," I admit, shoving my sweaty fingers through my hair.
"Obsession? Should I be worried that you're a crazy stalker?" she asks with a teasin’ smile.
I know she's jokin’ and not exactly repulsed by me because her fingernails are at the moment caressin’ the closely shaved hair at the back of my head. I'm not sure she even realizes she's doin’ it, but there's no way I can ignore the goosebumps she's raisin’ up and down my arms.
"Yes, you should be worried," I tell her, completely enamored by her baby blue eyes. "Because you're not even a little bit of a bitch and are even more beautiful than I expected, so..."
"The stalking will continue?" she finishes.
"Uh-huh. Maybe even worse than before. You should probably go ahead and get a restrainin’ order."
"Right," she says, and then purses her lips tightly to keep from smilin’. "And what was your name again? You know, for the paperwork?”
"Linc Abrams."
I try not to be disappointed that she doesn't recognize me. I've never been a pompous ass about my accomplishments in the cage, and even hate the fangirls who throw themselves at me because of my name, but it would've been nice if she actually knew who I was and what I do. I have this bizarre need to impress her that I've never experienced before.
"Is that really your name?" she asks, raisin’ a dark eyebrow. “Because this says Thomas.” Her fingertips brush over the skin at my neck, pickin’ up one of three charms on my ball chain necklace.
"Thomas…Thomas was someone important to me that I lost,” I explain, swallowin’ past the sudden knot in my throat. “Lincoln is actually my real name. My parents always just called me Linc because they’re huge dorks. There was this video game a long time ago...”
“ The Legend of Zelda ?” she asks, surprisin’ me that she recognized the name so quickly.
“Yeah, actually. Since Link would’ve been an obvious giveaway of their dorkiness they decided to go with Lincoln, so it’s Linc with a ‘C.’ If I had been a girl, I’m pretty sure they would’ve said to hell with it and named me Zelda. Anyway..." My voice trails off as my eyes lower, despite how hard I try to be a gentleman and keep them on hers. "Your titties are so fuckin’ perfect." I’m powerless to stop the inappropriateness spewin’ out of my mouth as I glance down lower. "And I can't believe that at this very moment, Eve Kelly's pussy is practically touchin’ my cock through my jeans."
"What's so great about Eve Kelly's pussy?" she asks. "It's swallowed more wieners than all the contestants at the National Hot Dog Eating Championships. The same could be said for her mouth, too."
I can't help my burst of laughter. "Does Eve Kelly always talk about herself so negatively in the third person?"
"Only on bad days." She glances away and says this with her narrow shoulders hunchin’ inward. She looks so damn sad that a piece of my heart chips off.
"Is being here makin’ this a bad day?"
"Well, not here, here . But being in this club is pretty shitty; men grabbing my ass and tits, telling me the nasty things they want to do to me. I'd rather be at home painting-" Her light eyes widen and she suddenly stops talkin’, like she's said too much.
"You paint?" I ask in amazement. I'm tryin’ really hard not to think about all the assholes that touched her when she didn't want them to. Luckily for them, there's just one thing I'd