Life Rewired (Aspen Friends, Book 3)

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Book: Read Life Rewired (Aspen Friends, Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Lynn Galli
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
we’ll introduce you around.”
    I wondered again how old these women were. They acted as young as the Sweeney brothers, but the crinkle of skin around their eyes told me they were closer to my mid-forties.
    People vied for their attention as they walked me to the keg. They did a masterful job of keeping everyone happy while continuing with the squeeze on me. It might have been a mistake coming here. Large gatherings weren’t my thing, and this was as crowded as the yard on a rainy day when all the blocks emptied out at once instead of in shifts.
    Joanna handed me a beer and curled her hand around my elbow to lead me toward a more private corner. I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea either. Natalie said she’d try to make it so I wouldn’t be here alone, but she wasn’t much for crowds either.
    “Hey, Falyn,” Molly called as she appeared through the crowd.
    Relief rinsed through me when I saw her. It wasn’t that I knew her well, but I was out of my comfort zone here. Any familiar face would help.
    “We were just taking some time to get to know her, Mol.” Brandy’s voice had a little edge.
    Molly flicked her eyes between us before landing on mine in question. Well, that was sweet. She was looking out for me. “I’ll go find Tessa,” Molly said to me, blatantly ignoring Brandy’s warning. “See you later.”
    “She’s going to flip when she finds out we invited Kathleen,” Joanna said to Brandy.
    Even I started at that. Seemed a little callous. Picking sides after a breakup sucked, but it seemed like Tessa was the more entrenched with their group of friends than Kathleen had been.
    “Are they really close?” I asked of Molly and Tessa.
    “Wouldn’t say close. Vivian and Tessa are close because of their work, and Molly’s tight with Vivian.”
    So they didn’t see it? Molly couldn’t be this attentive with everyone. Then again, maybe I was imagining things like I had with Molly and Vivian.
    “Excuse us a sec,” Joanna said and dragged Brandy away.
    I took a sip of beer and immediately looked for a place to spit it out. The food options looked as cheap as the beer. I could probably slip out and join the boys at the bar they said they were going to, but I needed to make an effort to get to know more people.
    “Hi, Falyn,” Dwight greeted, coming to a stop before me. “Bit crowded in here, isn’t it?”
    “Hey there. Didn’t know this was your scene.” My eyes slid over his party getup. His slim frame was sheathed in designer casual. I hadn’t put as much effort into my appearance, not having the clothing budget he clearly did. Maybe in a few months I might be able to afford a full off-work wardrobe, but for now, my one pair of khakis and two button-down shirts were how I rolled.
    “J&B have a way of corralling all the single people in town.”
    “This is every single person in town?”
    “I wouldn’t be surprised.” He reached for a loaded cracker but his brain must have thought better, stopping his hand halfway. “Hey, did Molly tell you that next weekend is river guide training?”
    My brow drew down. “No. Why would she?”
    “When she trains the other river guides, she needs willing volunteers to fill the boat. Free rafting trips on the Roaring Fork all day. You up for it?” His brown eyes revealed his excitement.
    “Sounds fun, but I’d have to hear from Molly first.”
    “Hear what?” Molly appeared at that moment with Tessa by her side.
    I nodded hello to both as Dwight said, “I was telling her about the training.”
    “Oh, yeah, great. What do you say? I’m trying to get Tessa to go, too.” She looped an arm around Tessa’s shoulders.
    “Sounds fun if Nat doesn’t have something going with work.” It also sounded a little dangerous, but I wasn’t about to wimp out without even trying it. Not when Dwight was jumping out of his pants to raft and Molly offered the trip as nonchalantly as she would a Sunday drive.
    “Cool. Let me know.”
    “Oh my God,”

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