Lies That Bind
business, the physical property and all it entails belong to Tessa. It’s part of the land and ranch.”
    Well, fuck . Tyler damned his inattention. He should have realized that was coming. His mind was too scattered on other things. Tessa owned them, and not in the way he’d lustfully envisioned.
    Rex leaned back, an elbow braced on the armrest, and stared into space. Tessa sat slumped forward, her gaze locked onto the papers spread out before Kevin.
    Tessa edged forward and tapped the coffee table again. “Rex and Tyler have more right to this land than I ever did. I will do whatever it takes to ensure it goes to them.” She shoved to her feet. “They can have it all.”
    “Tessa, think about what you’re doing,” Nate sing-songed behind her. “Think about what you’re giving up.”
    Her gaze singed the air between them. “When I want your advice, I’ll ask for it.”
    His eyes turned cold, his expression hardened. “Don’t take that tone with me.”
    A battle of titans, and Tessa didn’t back down.
    “It’s irrelevant.” Rex stretched to his feet, effectively breaking the standoff. “Tessa.”
    He swept his hand toward the recliner, inviting her to sit. She cast her gaze downward, lashes feathering her cheeks, and did as he asked. Nate moved off to the couch with Kevin. Perched once more on the edge of the love seat, Rex leaned with his forearms on his knees.
    “While Tyler and I appreciate your offer to sell, there is simply no way we could afford to purchase it.”
    There, Rex had said it out loud, putting nails in the coffin of a business they’d worked on for most of their adult lives.
    Her eyebrow arched. “Not even for a dollar?”
    “Tessa!” Nate was on his feet again.
    Rex lifted his palm, and to Tyler’s shock, the man sat. “That’s quite an offer,” Rex said.
    “One made in haste,” Tyler added.
    She was on her feet in a second, kneeling in front of Rex but with her hot fingers resting on Tyler’s knee.
    “How could you think I would take a dime? It’s yours. You earned it. This place wouldn’t be what it is today without your efforts.”
    God, he loved her. If he’d told her that a year ago, would it have made a difference? He slipped his hand over hers, curled his fingers around her hand, and gently tugged, urging her closer. She resisted.
    “Your boyfriend’s right. Don’t be hasty,” Rex said. His voice was low, precise, the one he used for hard-line negotiations.
    “Nate isn’t… Very well.” Her nose twitched.
    Tyler got the feeling they’d been dismissed, and he didn’t take kindly to it.
    She eased away to return to her seat. “This is all a bit much. Apparently I need time to explore my options. Anything else, Kevin?”
    The skid of tires grinding to a stop out front kept him from answering.
    “They wouldn’t dare come back, would they?” Rex shot to his feet and rushed to the door.
    Tyler took the window for a peek. “It’s the sheriff.” Tito Llano, to be specific, and he didn’t look happy. Tyler caught a glimpse of him removing his hat as he trudged up the steps. Sweat trickled off his bald head and into his collar. Whatever he had to share, it wasn’t good news. He could tell that from Tito’s frown. Anxiety churned Tyler’s stomach.
    Rex opened the door as Tito approached. “Has the medical examiner finished? Judging from the scowl on your face and the hat in your hand, it can’t be good news.”
    “I need to talk to you and Tyler.” Tito’s high-pitched voice trilled across the room, higher than usual, another sign this wasn’t good news. “They told me at the inn you’d be here. You can come out, or I can come in.”
    “I’d prefer you come inside, Tito.” Tessa walked toward them. “If it’s something to do with Derek, I want to know.”
    Tito’s eyes widened a bit when he saw her, and for a second, Tyler thought he was going to turn tail and run the other way. But the sheriff quickly put his professional mask back on and

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