
Read Lawless for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Lawless for Free Online
Authors: Emma Wildes
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Historical Romance, Western, Red Hots!
than once or twice, nor did they have much in the way of supplies. He was hungry as hell, and as he stepped into the first shelter they’d seen in three days, the fragrant smell of the bubbling stew hit him like a hammer. Considering how little the woman in his arms had eaten since she was dragged off that train, it was no wonder she was a little weak. He hoped it smelled as good to her as it did to him.
    The bed was in the corner of the one-room space, and he deposited her gently as possible on the soft, patterned blankets. Ghostly pale and obviously exhausted, she stared at him as her long lashes fluttered upward. “Where are we now?”

    “Believe it or not, I have friends.” He attempted a reassuring smile. “We’ll stay here a few weeks. It’s safe. Just rest a minute and then we’ll get something to eat. It will make the world a whole new place, take my word on it.”
    “Your word? That’s an odd request from the infamous Cal Riker, but I’ll do my best.”
    The hint of humor in her reply was a relief. She looked so delicate and wan he was afraid he’d really pushed her too far. There wasn’t much question she’d won his admiration in more ways than just an appreciation for her tempting physical appearance.
    “I’ll be right back,” he promised.
    “I doubt I’m going anywhere.” She closed her eyes again, her slender body limp, her golden hair spilled across the blankets like pale silk.
    He turned and left the cabin, Gabe right on his heels. Thickset, his hair streaked with gray, Gabriel Ranson was one of those men who seemed ageless. He looked exactly the same as he did when Cal had met him a decade earlier. The older man asked, “Now that little gal is a looker. Never seen one her equal. What’s the story?”
    Briefly, Cal explained about the robbery and kidnapping as he unsaddled his horse and poured some oats into a trough in the corral. Goliath seemed pleased to be relieved of his double burden and off the trail—his ears pricked forward as he began to eat.
    He had exactly the right idea, Cal thought, feeling a bit worn down himself.
    “I’m thinkin’ you got a right pretty piece of trouble on your hands, Cal.”
    “Maybe so, but there isn’t much I can do about it. We’ll lay low here until you get back and then I’ll take her on down to her family. Her father owns a big spread outside Tijeras.”
    Gabe looked troubled. “I hope you don’t get a bullet for your trouble, son.”
    “You and me both.” Cal rubbed his jaw, feeling the unshaven stubble. “I’m just going to have to worry about that later. For now, I could really use some food and I know Laurel is probably famished. She hasn’t eaten more than a few bites in the past few days.”
    “We’ll fix that right now. Come on.” 35

    Emma Wildes
    A few minutes later he was seated by the stone hearth of the fireplace, doing his best to not devour his food like a starving man. The venison stew was thick, meaty and rich.
    There were biscuits too, baked earlier in the day and still soft and light. As he ate, Cal watched his lovely companion show the same appreciation, and when she was finished and declined a third biscuit, he was gratified to see some of the color had come back into her face.
    “That was marvelous. Thank you.” She gifted Gabe with a dazzling smile. “I never knew anything could taste so good.”
    “Just plain cookin’.” He shot Cal a reproachful look. “I don’t imagine Cal here would even light a fire.”
    “No,” she admitted and glanced over.
    In the depths of her eyes was a memory of how they’d lain together under the stars and that damned kiss.
    The kiss. The one he should be horsewhipped for stealing. Not because she was a defenseless woman in his care and he should keep his hands—and mouth—to himself, but because it had branded his soul with a taste of something he could never have. A decent woman wasn’t in the cards

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