Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]

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Book: Read Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] for Free Online
Authors: Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance
right behind the door between
Summer and me would hurt you, but you had no idea how much hell you put Summer
and I through. She dumped me and said she never wanted to see me again. She
meant it too. All because I, being the good little brother, kept your secret.
You think I wanted to see the girl I’ve been in love with since I can remember,
crying her heart out and almost killing herself over a liar like you? And not
being able to tell her the truth? She hates me now. That little scene you heard
will probably be our last. She gave me the chance to prove to her I was telling
the truth about you, but because of your no-show, it’s back to ground zero. She
thought I lied about getting you to the Den to see her, when you didn’t show
up. Now I don’t know if she’ll ever trust anyone again. You see, Nat, she
trusted you and me to be there for her, to be her rock, but all we’ve done was
play with her emotions…play with the desires we both have for her. It isn’t
fair what we’ve put her through. She’s been there for us, and all we’ve done
was hurt her. I tried to make it up to her, but I don’t even think she wants
anything to do with me. As much as I’d hate to see you succeed with Summer, she
needs to see you.”
    “She won’t recognize me now that I’m
undercover, but I’ll find a way to let her know, I’m around,” Nat said
steadily. “Technically, I’m not even supposed to make contact with her or see
her. I can’t let my cover get blown.”
    “You shouldn’t have sent her that letter
then,” I said. “You either disappear completely or don’t. It’s as simple as
that. Why do you always have to complicate things, especially when it comes to
    “Wow,” Nat laughed. “Is this Drew I’m
talking to?”
    “Never thought you’d have any deep
thoughts beyond which girl you’re going to hook up with…”
    “Nat, man, you better take that back,” I
said, a little angry. “That was before Summer. I’m not like that anymore. I
have responsibilities now…stepping into your shoes at Donovan Dynamics, taking
care of Mom, making sure Rachel isn’t in over her head with whatever new thing
she’s into…right now it’s Astor or Ashton Fairway.”
    “Hmm, that pretty boy actor who wanted
Summer,” Nat nearly spat. I know him, he didn’t trust Summer with him before
and now he wouldn’t trust Rachel trying to get with him, too. “Keep an eye on
Rachel with him. I know he’s helped out with Aunt Sookie’s Academy, but I still
think he’s not over Summer. If he hooks up with Rachel, he’ll break her heart.”
    “Still the Big Brother,” I said.
    “Just because I’m technically ‘dead’
doesn’t mean I don’t worry,” Nat said. “And just because I have another identity
doesn’t mean I’m not helping Dad and Donovan Dynamics out. Listen, when I went
over to the Den earlier, I wanted to see Summer for real, and you, but I also
had to go into the Vault to update some info. Nearly got decapitated just going
in. You have some serious security there, Drew. Make sure you keep Summer
out. I know she’s too curious to stay put but you have to. If she’s going to
go over to your place more often, then secure the place, even against Summer. I
don’t want her to get hurt even more so Summer-proof the place.”
    “Easy for you to bark orders from far
away,” I said.
    “Exactly,” I said. “Now you know what
it’s like to be in my shoes.”
    “I’m not following in your shoes,” I
said. “I’m stepping up to be who I am…”
    “Good,” Nat said. “It’s about time. Now
if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”
    He hung up before I could get a retort
in. The tension between us was thicker than ever. Strained when it used to be
so easy between us.
    Even if he went back to being Nat as
before, would we ever be close again?

    Chapter 7
    I never should
have sent Summer my last letter. I should have just let her believe I was dead.

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