minor dental surgery, by filing and capping. However, it is not just the teeth marks that lead us to the conclusion they were made by a human. You see, the saliva sample is human. The blood seems to be a new classification and very… anemic… but definitely human.”
“Would you go over that, doctor?” asked Sheriff Lane.
“Let me put it this way. You can type a person’s blood from his saliva. This saliva smear does not match the blood type of the victim. Now, by eliminating all the possible blood types and looking for what remains, I would say you should look for a very anemic fellow, possibly with some rare blood disease… something like leukemia, but definitely not your average, run-of-the-mill anemic. He is obviously energetic and strong. Oh, I might add, the same saliva traces were found on Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Hughes.”
I then raised my hand. “May I ask the doctor a question?”
They all knew what was coming but weren’t quick enough to stop me.
“Kolchak, Daily News, Dr. Mokurji… is it possible that someone killed these women by drinking their blood for the express purpose of drinking their blood–and killed these woman by biting then?”
“Physically, it is possible. At present, the evidence points that way. But I must advise you that I am a pathologist, not a psychologist even though the two lines of endeavor often cross in my particular line of work. I couldn’t and wouldn’t hazard a guess as to motivation.
“The women were killed most likely by being stabbed or bitten; I’d say bitten and held or choked into unconsciousness. A human being did the killing. The saliva traces prove that. They each died from shock induced by massive loss of blood.”
I asked one more question. “Doctor, are there such things… I mean, is it possible that someone could have attacked these women in the belief that he was a vampire and had to drink their blood to stay alive?”
“Oh, Jesus!” said the chief.
“Kolchak!” said Paine. “You’re here by mutual suffrage of us all.”
“It’s sufferance, Mr. Paine,” I told him.
“Whatever. Shut up!”
“Ah, Mr. Paine. I’ll answer that, “Mokurji broke in quietly. “There have been cases of people who, through some mental derangement, have come to believe they were vampires. Several of these committed crimes of violence. A few have even murdered some unfortunates and swallowed their blood. But in most of these admittedly exceptional cases, a knife or other sharp object was used. But… in Germany, in the 1920s there was one fellow who did use his teeth to rip out his victim’s throats. I forget his name.”
“But it is possible, Doctor, that such a deranged person, say a large and powerful man with abnormally long incisors, could, in the belief he was a genuine vampire, murder three, helpless women.”
“It is quite possible,” he answered. “Even probable if the annals of crime literature and police files are any indication.”
“And that,” I shot back, “would make our suspect, for all practical purposes, a living, breathing vampire, in the full sense of the word.”
Mokurji gave me a very long look. “It would make him, Mr. Kolchak, a man who acted very much like a vampire. However, I would hardly think that if this is the case, that it would take silver bullets or wooden stakes driven through his heart to apprehend such an individual.”
“Well, gentlemen,” injected the sheriff. “We are getting ahead of ourselves. We are just here to get a detailed report on possible causes of death. Let’s not start jumping to conclusions as to who or what killed these three women. At our request, Mr. Fain of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been pursuing an investigation of his own… ah… inquiries into similar violent deaths around the country. Mr. Fain?”
Bernie just winked at me and whispered, “Told you that just once in a while the professionals are on their toes. So why not shut up and learn something?”