Kiss and Tell

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Book: Read Kiss and Tell for Free Online
Authors: Sandy Lynn
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Love Stories, Erotic stories
lengthen and graze gently against her flesh. When he bit her, she moaned deep in her throat. She twisted her fingers in his hair and held his head close while he suckled her neck. As he began to drink deeply, her head fell back, giving him more access to her. She didn’t seem to care if she walked away with a mark, or how dark it would be. Seth kneaded her breast, the feel of her silky skin against his palm increasing his enjoyment in the delicious taste of her blood.
    Taking a quick look inside her mind, Seth remained only long enough to assure himself that her thoughts were filled with nothing but pleasure. His fingers found her nipple and grasped it between them. A deep moan left her, tempting him to tell Jason to fuck off so he could enjoy her sweet body once again.
    Swirling his tongue against her skin as he gave one last suck, Seth closed the wound and cleaned away any lingering traces of blood. He held his head against her shoulder for a moment, feeling as though he’d just gotten drunk off of her.
    “You are more temptation than one man should have,” he confessed huskily. He lowered his mouth to press a light kiss on the rosy nipple he’d teased as he drank from her.
    “Why don’t you go take care of whatever business I’ve been keeping you from? As soon as I can make my legs work again, I’ll get up and take a shower.”
    “I won’t be away for long,” he promised. Taking one final, lingering look at her body, he pulled the sheet back up around her, covering her from his gaze. Lifting her hand to his lips, he sucked a finger into his mouth, then placed a lasting kiss on the back of her knuckles. “We’ll finish this soon.”
    Outside of his room, Seth hid in the darkness, watching her through a small crack he’d left when he didn’t shut the door fully. Another surge of pride and satisfaction filled him when Willow buried her head in his pillow and took a deep breath, seconds before she fell asleep.
    “Jason, to what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked sarcastically as he emerged from the hallway.
    “I told you last night I would be by today to finish discussing business with you. I’m not surprised you forgot. You seemed a bit…distracted.” Jason sat on the couch and began to open his folders.
    “Then let’s hurry up and get it over with. I have a very pleasant lady to get back to.”
    “Of course.” Jason pulled out the first paper. “A gentleman has made an offer for The Grunge. It’s very generous…more than the place will earn you in ten years.”
    “I do not wish to sell it.”
    “May I ask why?”
    “No. I simply will not sell it and that is final.” Much like his beloved antiques, the small bar held a special place in Seth’s heart. Because of its emotional, rather than monetary, value. It had taken him a long time, but over the decades he’d cultivated that place into a safe haven. The patrons there knew they could truly be themselves. And without that bar, several of the small local bands would never have a live audience to practice in front of. He wouldn’t see it be turned into another parking garage or suave coffee shop.
    “Are you sure you won’t reconsider selling the bar?” Jason tried one final time.
    Holding back his irritation, Seth knew his friend was only trying to do his job to the best of his ability, but nothing would change his mind. “I’ll never change my mind about selling that particular bar. Tell him if he would like to negotiate for any other business I’d be happy to consider his offer. But not that one,” Seth stated firmly, leaving no doubt in the other man’s mind his decision was final.
    For fifteen minutes he listened, completely bored, as Jason brought him up-to-date on any important happenings in his other businesses. His mind continued to return to the beautiful woman lying naked in his bed.
    “I believe that about covers all of the business. Would you like me to

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