the launching point for our research. As you can see in this computer-enhanced demonstration, the infection spreads by reproducing itself in the cell and then entering the blood once the cell dies. But if it were trapped in the receptor and couldn’t get out, then the virus would be rendered impotent. And we know there are many more receptors than free virus in the blood.”
As if on cue, the screen changed to a fresh scene of untouched cells. This time forms outlined in white had joined the pinkish gray shapes in battling for position across the black grid. Karen waited silently for another wave of blue simulated HIV viral capsules to make their appearance, repeating the same swimming dance as before. This time, though, the only cells they lodged against were the ones outlined in white.
“The white forms that the HIV has bonded to this time are modified human blood cells,” she explained, “modified
to contain attached receptors that mimic the molecular structure that HIV is unalterably most attracted to. But since they contain no DNA, there is no way for HIV to reproduce—a deadend. In essence, we defeat the virus by tricking it. Once injected, our vaccine produces the mimic receptors that attach to the red blood cells, which then act like magnets for any HIV cells entering the body. If infection does occur, it can’t reproduce and thus it can’t spread.”
Karen hit STILL and the picture froze in place. “This is an offshoot of the Trojan horse approach that’s been tried unsuccessfully in the past with AIDS vaccines, both preventative and therapeutic. Because the federal government saw our methods as just another variation, they refused further funding. I admit it was a long shot. All the hard work aside, the bottom line is we got lucky.”
“So did Salk with polio,” MacFarlane reminded.
“Are you saying Lot 35 is actually a therapeutic vaccine as well as a preventative one?” asked a third director, the youngest on the board.
“I’m afraid not. Our research has found that once HIV begins its rampant invasion of the body through the blood, its virulence is such that it is no longer limited to a narrow choice of receptor shapes. Any, in fact, will do, so the Trojan horse approach would have only a limited impact.”
“But what you are saying,” picked up a suddenly conciliatory Roger Updike, “is that Lot 35 never gives the virus a chance to get that far in previously uninfected subjects.”
“In fact, Lot 35 never gives HIV a chance to get anywhere at all. Keep in mind, gentlemen, that this is a treacherous disease we’re dealing with, treacherous because it doesn’t play by the normal rules. A vaccine that tests positive in one person may not in another because of the infinite number of forms the virus is capable of taking on. But the principles Lot 35 was founded on suggest it will work on all of them, because Lot 35 lets, actually encourages, the virus in any form to do what it does best:
bond to the cells it is most attracted to.” She paused long enough to swing her gaze about the men before her. “I called you all here today because, in spite of all this, we still lack the hard documentation needed to change the government’s mind about further funding for this project. Proceeding thus means doing so on our own.”
“Entailing …”
“Entailing, Mr. Updike, a large-scale study involving in the area of one thousand test subjects.”
“Eighteen months before we could present the necessary documentation to the FDA.”
Karen didn’t waver. “Seventy-five million dollars.”
The members of the board of directors traded uneasy glances.
“That’s a tremendous amount of money for us to come up with, Doctor,” Updike said. “Failure on your part could mean the bankrupting of Jardine-Marra.”
“And success could mean a hundredfold profits for the next decade. The seventy-five million is simply an investment.”
“More like a gamble.”