Kill Them Wherever You Find Them
facility. Finally
a holographic photo badge for identification and job classification
was provided once dressed.
    Every room, even bathrooms and most hallways,
could only be accessed via biometrics. State-of-the-art security
equipment was in place with biometric technology to guarantee that
a person wasn’t entering an area under duress and actually belonged
there. For example, the retinal scan required a specific set of
parameters of the eye being scanned including temperature, movement
of blood through the surface and internal capillaries, and even
pupil diameter. A person under unusual stress such as that caused
by a kidnap situation, a person in a drugged state, or a person
attempting deception, would have pupils that react differently than
that same person when calm and operating under normal
    The only thing allowing passage into the
facility after changing clothing in the locker area was the person
inside the clothing. No personal items such as jewelry, not even
frames for photographs, were admitted beyond the anterooms of the
facility. The one exception was family photographs that were
inspected before gaining admittance. For Dr. Stauffenberg a
departure from the norm was approved. He found, to his amazement
and great pleasure, an enlarged photograph of his family, from a
recent trip to Disneyland, in a beautiful frame mounted on the wall
of his sleeping room. Beside his bed on the simple nightstand he
discovered a set of scriptures used by Mormons that included the
Bible. Jeff felt grateful, and even touched, that The
Project leadership understood how much more difficult and
stressful it would be to be completely removed from his family and
religious community. He made a mental note to thank Moshe when next
they spoke.
    Each member of the scientific team had their
own living area. These living areas consisted of the aforementioned
sleeping room, a bathroom, and a reading-work area complete with
one hard-wired computer. In the facility there were no WiFi
devices, no over-the-airwaves communications including television
and radio. Only the security guards operated with walkie-talkies
whose frequencies were set to randomly alternate throughout the
day. People communicated either in persona propria, via
landline-based inter-office phones which were swept throughout the
day for bugs at irregular intervals, 128 bit encrypted
e-mail, or by somebody else going in the direction of the person
for whom one had a non-confidential message.
    The computer system for each facility was
completely sealed save for one output-only port used to download
and store data offsite. Access to the information from the
mainframe outside the facilities was impossible unless one could
gain entry to the off-site file storage; the location of which was
a closely guarded secret held by only three people. Files were
carefully secured in a multi-layered and lethal manner with both
technological and brawny human safeguards. Rachael knew that even
with her extraordinary intelligence, exquisite Mediterranean
beauty, and finely-honed female charms, she would never make it
past the first guard alive unless invited by the Prime Minister
himself into the data storage chamber some 30 stories below ground
    This second trip to the facility seemed to go
more quickly than the first. Even with the windows darkened, she
could tell that the driver took measures to alter the route, a
couple of times stopping so suddenly that it caught her breath.
Thankfully, Perrier did not stain.
    She decided to read a book over letting her
thoughts run rampant. Still, it was impossible to not consider, as
she had more than a few times over the last couple of days, the
scenarios Moshe put forth before their departure for home about
time itself.
    Rachael’s maternal grandmother suffered the
horrors of the Sho'ah, the Nazi Holocaust. She had no doubt that if
she could she would have killed Hitler with her bare hands before
the maniac turned much of Europe into

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