Kill List (Special Ops #8)
exact vengeance of his own right now. Life for a life—the death of his sister, and the possible death of Olivia was a tragedy he wanted justice for and he couldn’t say that with each passing minute that he wasn’t thinking outside the legal realm of getting that justice.
    What were the cops doing other than shoving doughnuts down their throat and sitting on their behind all day? Were they even out looking for witnesses, trying to find the man who murdered his sister, or even looking for Olivia? No, probably not. It would seem all they wanted was a sound bite and a fifteen minute walk of fame in the media frenzy on the most “shocking” murder in the city. Shocking, that’s what they had called it. It was shocking in their mind only because it happened in such a five star upscale hotel that had everything from celebrities to royalty and political figures sleeping in one of their many upscale rooms. They didn’t care about the life lost and the woman still missing. They only cared about what fame it could bring them, for the few minutes that the story would dominate the airwaves. Once something else hit they would all go back to their usual routine of careless blasé living. No, he didn’t trust cops. He didn’t trust them at all and he was trusting them even less now that the entire case was in their hands and yet none of them seemed to be doing much about solving his sister’s murder and finding Olivia and bringing her home alive.
    Olivia felt the hunger pains starting to set in by the third day of being stuck in the basement. God she needed food and she knew there was nothing in the refrigerator. She was going to go up and rummage around the cabinets again just in case she had missed something in the empty spaces before, which she knew she hadn’t but she was getting desperate now, but before she could even get the basement door open she heard a siren and freaked out. She didn’t know she could descend stairs so swiftly without falling, and she certainly didn’t know why she thought hiding under the Native blanket was going to make her safe.
    She was getting cold. The weather outside wasn’t exactly summerlike, nor was it spring inclined either. She couldn’t turn on the heat so she had started to use his Native blankets to stay warm at night. She would have to pay him for this later as she knew they were all authentic because Amber had told her that when she showed her this section of the house before. It was just so cold in the basement that she needed to keep warm some kind of way. She hadn’t been able to get her coat. It wasn’t like she could have gone back to the employee lockers and put in her code, grabbed her coat and still exited the building unseen. She had to use these blankets, one underneath her body on the couch and the other warming her on top since it was draped over her body. She would apologize to him later. These blankets were important to him and as far as she knew he didn’t even sleep on them or in them. Great, one more thing to feel guilty about, she thought as the hunger pains assaulted her once again.
    She needed food. Water wasn’t so hard because Chogan had a purified water dispenser in the corner. It wasn’t a full five gallons now because he hadn’t been home to buy more, but there was still some since he hadn’t been home to drink it either. She was drinking it, using the small bowl that had clearly housed peanuts at some point, to drink the water from. She had rinsed it only at first, but drinking moderately salted peanut water wasn’t her thing so she used the hand soap in the bathroom to clean it out. After that she tried to use water sparingly. She didn’t know how long she would have to stay here. For all she knew Chogan might have been out on a mission and maybe he hadn’t even been notified of Amber’s death yet. She was fine with the idea of waiting until hunger pains felt like they were going to rip her apart from the inside out. By the fourth day she

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