Katie's Mates

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Book: Read Katie's Mates for Free Online
Authors: Alicia White
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal, Romantic
closely, pain evident on his face. She couldn’t understand why she was so affected by him, and she needed some space and time alone.
    “I want you to leave. All of you, please. I want to be alone.” She stared at the fire. She could hear them talking to her, but she seemed to zone out, lost in thought. Her emotions were a huge, confusing mess, and she couldn’t seem to follow her body’s response either. She felt broken. Nothing connected. Her body, mind, and heart were all pulling her in different directions, and she couldn’t understand it.
    She hadn’t been at their house a whole day yet, and she felt them. It was weird. She took a few more bites of her soup and laid the tray on the ground. She walked in a daze to the bedroom door and moved the lock into place, blocking them from entering. The bed looked inviting, and she moved to climb in, covering herself completely, closing her eyes. She just needed some sleep. Tomorrow everything would be clearer.

    * * * *

    Things had gone from bad to worse in such a short amount of time. Ryan filed out of Katie’s room and headed toward the living room. It seemed that Nathan, Ethan, and Lucas’s little trip to the kitchen earlier hadn’t been very productive. They were supposed to be on the same page. They were supposed to be trying to make Katie feel comfortable. She was in a new place, surrounded by four men. Any woman would feel wary, but she belonged to them. The only woman in the world who mattered, and they were all messing things up. He should’ve taken her to Adam and Brandon, and then he could’ve gone on a few dates, taken things slow before introducing her to his idiot brothers.
    He was pacing, fists clenched, angry with himself and at Lucas for not being able to keep his big mouth closed. Nathan took on the role right away, gaining her trust and becoming her favorite quickly. Ethan kept his mouth shut, unsure of what to say, nervous energy surrounded him, but Lucas was another story. He was angry, and it made no sense.
    “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He moved quickly when Lucas walked into the living room, grabbing and pushing him against the wall. He kept his voice low, not wanting to upset Katie more than she already was, not wanting her to hear what Lucas had to say. The pain she felt only a few minutes ago had his stomach in tight knots. “Is she your mate? Do you feel the pull? Is it just me and Nathan?” He needed answers. If she wasn’t a mate to Lucas and Ethan, then they could move out and he could move forward with Nathan.
    “I don’t want a mate,” Lucas said behind clenched teeth. His answer seemed to surprise everyone. They had been looking and waiting for a mate for longer than he could remember. She was the one person who could hold their hearts, who could have their children and complete the bond. Most brothers mated with the same woman, but every once in a while, it didn’t work that way. That was the case with his uncles and fathers. He stepped back, realizing that maybe that was the case with Lucas and Ethan. They were twins. Maybe they were meant for another woman.
    “That didn’t answer my question. Is she your mate or not?” He looked over at Nathan, wondering if he was thinking the same thing. Did Katie only belong to the two of them? Lucas stayed quiet, so he turned to Ethan. “Well?”
    “Yeah, she is.” Ethan’s voice was quiet, as if he wasn’t sure he wanted to claim her or not.
    “Okay, Lucas? I’m going to assume she’s your mate as well and that you’re an ass. You’re treating her horribly. If you don’t want Katie to be your mate, then you need to leave. Every time we make a little progress, you ruin it by opening your mouth. Do you want her or not? Make a decision and follow through. I’m finished with this shit.” Ryan stalked out of the living room and headed toward his bedroom. His room was to the left of Katie’s.
    He changed his clothes quickly, pulling on a pair of sweats before getting

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